United Church of God

Annual "Growing In the Faith" Weekend in Stewartville, Minnesota

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Annual "Growing In the Faith" Weekend in Stewartville, Minnesota

January 17, 2020 - 12:00am EST to January 20, 2020 - 12:00am EST

Attention all young adults, you are all invited to join us over the weekend of Friday evening, January 17th through the morning of Monday the 20th at the Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch near Stewartville, Minnesota, to strengthen your growing relationship with God through His word.

Our theme this year is "Developing a Personal Relationship with God through His Word."

Most of us first learn of God through the instruction and example of our parents. As we grow and mature, the teaching of the Church also becomes influential. Most become comfortable with the God they have heard about, but many struggle to truly know Him. Job described the difference between these two approaches when he said, "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You" (Job 42:5).

How do we make this same transition, from the way we learned of God as we grew up, to truly owning and developing our relationship with Him as adults?

This exciting event will help young adults develop a direct, personal relationship with God through His Word. Our interactive seminars will address:

  • A Real Relationship with God
  • How Biblical Study Enables Spiritual Thinking
  • Scripture as a Basis for Living
  • The Heart of a Disciple of Jesus Christ
  • Bible Tools and Bible Software
  • Addressing Difficult Scriptures and Defending Your Faith

Attendees will also enjoy games, a karaoke contest, snow-tubing, a dance, and just hanging out. This year's cost will be only $150 per person and includes room & board for the entire weekend.

Additional information and the process for registration can be found at www.growinginthefaith.com

We look forward to seeing you all there.