United Church of God

News at a Glance: Houston Music Festival Set for Sept. 3

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News at a Glance

Houston Music Festival Set for Sept. 3

The Second Annual UCG Houston Music Festival will be held on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2006, Labor Day Weekend, at 20737 Broze Road, Humble, Texas. Last year's outdoor music festival was a tremendous success: 225 people including 36 musicians enjoyed a full day of rock, folk, country and blues music while visiting and relaxing.

This year we anticipate more out-of-town musicians and a larger crowd. Musicians who wish to participate can use stage equipment provided by local musicians including a drum set, amplifiers, keyboards, congas, bongos, timbales, microphones and monitors; guitars may be available by special arrangement.

Musicians interested in participating in the Houston Music Festival should contact David Buchanan by e-mail at BuchananEnvironmental@earthlink.net (please use Subject: Houston Music Festival to avoid deletion of your correspondence), or by telephone at (281) 852-2438, no later than June 30.

Musicians must be members or attending one of the Sabbath-keeping Churches of God—exceptions will be made for nonmember musicians in a backup role. All musicians must conform to Church standards for dress, grooming and conduct.

For attendees who must avoid the sun, several canopies will be erected, but most will bring a chair or blanket and sit on the lawn, which should accommodate over 600 people. Local brethren will bring extra lawn chairs for visitors. Our concessions stand will sell food, drinks and snacks.

Festival entry is free; however, donations will be accepted to defray expenses. Extra funds will be donated to the United Church of God. Hotel accommodations may be found in Humble, Texas, approximately five minutes from the church building. In the event of rain, performances will be held in the building auditorium.