United Church of God

Pastoral Travel Report: Visit to Brazil

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Pastoral Travel Report: Visit to Brazil

This report compiles entries from Jorge de Campos’ travel blog at v2.travelark.org/travel-blog/jorgedecampos/11, which chronicles his baptizing and visiting tour in Brazil from May 17-June 11, 2021.

After leaving Cincinnati on May 17 and traveling for a few days, I arrived in Boa Vista on Thursday, May 20. Arlindo, our elder in Maloca, drove me to Maloca de Moscou to visit the church hall and spend the day with his family. Another family joined after lunch, and we went to see the Church’s 26 LifeNets cattle. Another 10 belong to the brethren. They recently sold almost all of the males and bought cows so they can increase the herd. Two families moved closer to where the cattle are kept so they can manage the cattle carefully.

On Saturday morning, May 22, some 10 minutes out of the hotel on my way to Sabbath services, a car coming from the left ran a stop sign and T-boned my rental car. I do not remember the accident. All I remember was smoke in the car, a white cloth or plastic over me (I later learned it was the air bag), and first aid people by the door of my car telling me to get out quickly as there was gasoline on the floor. I must have been unconscious for a while.

They took me to the sidewalk, sat me down and told me that the accident was not my fault. They took me into the Emergency Room trauma unit and gave me an X-ray. While I waited, one nurse let me use his Wi-Fi so I could contact my wife, as I did not have cell coverage. The brethren from Maloca, who were worried since I hadn’t arrived, were then able to call me. Arlindo and his son and cousin also visited me.

I had no broken bones on my chest or neck. But I was extremely sore due to the seatbelt over my chest and collarbone. My back and neck were also sore, and my eyeglasses were bent out of shape by the airbag.

After many difficulties getting the case reported to the police, I got another rental car.

Had that vehicle T-boned me one second later, I would be dead. God intervened in many ways.

I was able to drive on to Maloca de Moscou on Sunday, May 23, and I spent the day with brethren.

We had an interactive Bible study with 19 adults to address lessons from the pandemic to prepare us for the days of trouble ahead. We concluded by discussing how to be counted worthy of the Kingdom.

I had a meeting of the local church committee, which I reorganized, then Arlindo and I drove back to Boa Vista. The day was very profitable and the brethren were tearful as we said goodbye.

We arrived in Brasília Monday night (May 24) and stayed in Athos and Denise’s home. They found us on the Internet two years ago and have been doing weekly Bible studies with me. They fetched us from the airport and hospitably gave me their own bedroom to sleep in.

The next day, I baptized a couple in a pool near Denise and Athos’s home.

Afterwards, dinner and fellowship lasted till about 11 p.m. The next day was mostly spent in travel to Ariquemes, to the home of Paulo and Tânia de Oliveira. They have been keeping the Sabbath and realized the need to keep the Holy Days as well. They found us on the Internet a year ago and for the last six months have been doing weekly virtual Bible studies with me. We spent many hours discussing the nature of God, the gospel, the Church, Holy Days, resurrection and other doctrines.

Their 24-year-old daughter, Elani, is seriously handicapped and bedridden. She had meningitis at eight months old and her brain’s motor control system was damaged. She cannot talk, walk or stand and is deformed. I anointed her. They suspect that she has bowel cancer due to heavy medications she has been taking, and have scheduled tests for her. The next day, I baptized Tânia and Paulo. I am confident that God has important things to do in this region of Brazil.

Arlindo and I spent the Sabbath in Uberlândia. The Macedo family and Josiane Chaves attended services at the Sanare Hotel with us, making a total of six people. They were overjoyed, as it has been over a year since they were last able to have a live Sabbath service—they could not even meet for the Feast of Tabernacles due to COVID-19. We talked for many hours.

After flying to Curitiba the next day, a man named Raylan came to see us at the airport. He lives in another city about two hours away by bus, and has been doing regular studies on baptism with me. We talked about counting the cost (Luke 14:25-33) and the Holy Days.

We spent the next afternoon in Congonhas (near São Paulo), with two brothers, António and Mauro, who met us at a hotel with António’s wife Maria and their sister Maria Araújo.

We completed the counseling session with the two brothers and with the two Marias also present. As we talked, it became evident that their sister Maria Araújo was interested and began asking questions. I also learned that she has been listening to my sermons online. I believe she is being called.

We then went to the rooftop and baptized Mauro and Antônio. God is calling more people in Brazil and we are blessed to serve God in this way.

After traveling for all of Tuesday, on Wednesday we got up and continued the trip to Janaúba to spend time with Eldo Macedo and his wife Juliana, with whom I have been counseling.

After that we proceeded to Maria Macedo’s home (Eldo’s mothers’ home) where we discussed God’s Ways, unity in the Church, the true Church of God as a spiritual organism, marriage and the Feast of Tabernacles. Maria Macedo was baptized in Worldwide many years ago and has been attending with an independent group.

The next day was spent traveling by car and plane, from Janaúba to Montes Claros to Belo Horizonte before finally arriving in Rio de Janeiro after midnight.

Friday morning, May 28, we drove to Araruama to the house of José Manuel. His wife, Márcia, prepared us—with lots of love and care—a lovely homemade meal for lunch. I completed a final counseling session with José before baptizing him. He was extremely joyful after this great spiritual step in his Christian life. He has been helping me record audio for the booklets and is transcribing my sermons online.

We spent the Sabbath in Búzios (the location for the Feast in Brazil). Everything is clean and the venue is lovely. I am sure that the brethren will enjoy a physically relaxing and spiritually uplifting Feast there. We spent Sunday in Três Rios visiting Fábio, who was baptized last year during my previous visit.

The next few days were spent traveling and visiting more members and prospective members before making my way back to Cincinnati, arriving home on the afternoon of Friday, June 11.

Overall, it was a very successful trip and I thank you all for your prayers.