United Church of God

Contact Duane Phelps

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Volleyball Captains and Individuals Meeting

All team captains and coaches, as well as those who have registered as individuals for volleyball, need to attend the organizational meeting held on Saturday, December 23 at 5:30 p.m. Individual volleyball players who have pre-registered will need to pay the individual fee at the meeting to be placed on a team.

The deadline for team registration for volleyball and basketball is December 2, 2017. Team captains should pay the team fee as part of registration. The fees for basketball and volleyball are listed below:

  • Basketball - $160 per team
  • Adult Volleyball Tournament A - $160 per team
  • Adult Volleyball Tournament B - $140 per team
  • Teen Volleyball Tournament - $120 per team
  • Individual (basketball or volleyball) - $20 per player payable at the organizational meeting held the night of December 23.

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