United Church of God

The Corona Virus in Light of Bible Prophecy

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The Corona Virus in Light of Bible Prophecy

MP3 Audio (59.98 MB)


The Corona Virus in Light of Bible Prophecy

MP3 Audio (59.98 MB)

The Coronavirus pandemic is a call to worldwide, national and personal repentance. It is a time to be ready, to pray and to seek the Lord while he may be found. How does this current worldwide Coronavirus pandemic relate to the sequence of end time prophetic events? God is calling us to turn to Him. Are we going to play on the edge and pretend to be God’s people? Or, are we going to seek God as never before?

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  • dlward
    The current pandemic is a worldwide trial that that should serve as a wake up call to everyone. Aren't you hoping and praying that everyone wakes up and turns to God. Yes, the messages to the seven churches are first and foremost to the Church of God. In no way did I imply or state explicitly that the message to the seven church was exclusively to the world. It is amazing to me how after all that was said in the Bible study you would be moved to write what you have written. The Church is commissioned to take the gospel message to the whole world. The scripture cited is Revelation 3:20, " Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." We hope that all the peoples of the world will hear God's voice and repent." We should be moved to do everything we can ;to make it possible for them to be convicted and turn to God. Mercy and peace be unto you.
  • rm
    Greetings Dr Ward, I realise that you are the chairman of the "twelve" and as such are crucially important to the spiritual wellbeing of the United Church of God. As such, I was truly astounded to hear you in the final minute of this sermon quote the message to the Laodicean Church era as a message from God to the world. Surely these are messages to the Churches, detailing the things Christ is either pleased with or not pleased with in His people. Surely He is addressing us in this final era as the ones who say (and think) we are rich (in understanding), increased in goods (know better than those of previous eras) and have need of nothing (all our doctrines are correct), thereby largely shutting Christ out of our thinking process? Regards, Ron Mey
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