United Church of God

Letter From Dan Dowd - February 10, 2017

Letter From Dan Dowd

February 10, 2017

Charles P. Steinmetz was born in 1865 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland).  As a youth he showed unusual capability in mathematics, physics and classical literature, and upon graduating with honors he entered the University of Breslau in 1883.  He immigrated to America in 1888.  It was the emerging field of electricity where he was to make his mark on history, initially working for the small electrical company of Eickemeyer and Osterheld.  He identified and explained the Law of Hysterisis (or Steinmetz's Law) leading to breakthroughs in both alternating- and direct-current electrical systems.  Steinmetz' reputation was cemented at the age of 27.

As the understanding of electricity changed from a scientific curiosity to practical uses in everyday life, General Electric sought to shift the balance of power from Thomas Edison's direct current applications to making alternating current the American standard.  They desperately needed Steinmetz's genius.  Steinmetz turned down one offer after another from GE (he had a deep sense of loyalty), so GE realized they only had one option in order to have Steinmetz work for them.  GE bought Eickemeyer and Osterheld.

Steinmetz went on to develop a practical method for making calculations concerning alternating current circuits.  He applied mathematics to understanding electricity at a time when mathematics was not taught to electrical engineers, so to educate the electrical engineering profession he published several textbooks.  Steinmetz also laid the foundation for the study and theory of electrical transients (changes in electrical circuits of very short duration, such as lightning), resulting in his theory of traveling waves that lead to the development of devices to protect high-power transmission lines from lightning bolts.

What makes Steinmetz even more noteworthy, was that he was born with a several physical and genetic deformities - dwarfism, kyphosis (hunchback, with the resulting twisting spine) and hip dysplasia making him only four feet tall. Knowing that his physical deformities would likely be passed on if he had children, he never married.  He died in October 1923.

One person can make a big difference.  Charles P. Steinmetz revolutionized the field of electricity and in doing so helped to change the world.  How about you and me?  We may not have the talent Steinmetz did, but God purchased each of us at a high price so we too could help change the world.  If God is with us (Romans 8:31), what can stop us?  God sees us now as mighty men and women of valor, like Gideon (Judges 6:12) even though we have little strength (Revelation 3:8).  Those faithful who have walked this path before us "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6) because they were given an identity and purpose.  You and I have a shared history of spiritual heroes who had gone on before us.  God looks at us and knows that we can do mighty deeds because He sees things that are not, as though they are (Romans 4:17).  He sees us this way because those deeds will not be accomplished through our strength but through His power (Zechariah 4:6).

When we yield to God and use the talent and calling He has given us, we become part of the same group that includes Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Samson, Gideon and more! - as it says, of those whom the world was not worthy.  Since God purchased you for such a high price, what will you accomplish with His backing?

I wish you a wonderful Sabbath,

Dan Dowd

11 February, 2017