United Church of God

Letter From Dan Dowd - January 13, 2023

Letter From Dan Dowd

January 13, 2023

Sabbath Thought - Useless Body Parts

If all of the cells in the human body were counted, the total would be more than 10 million million (10,000,000,000,000) cells.  12,000 million of those cells are nerve cells linked by more than 10 million million connections.  The body's cells make up groups of systems that serve as a whole to sustain our life. We have the skeletal system, the muscular system, the digestive system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the cardiovascular system.  All of these systems have subsystems, like involuntary and voluntary muscles. 

Not only do the systems in the human body execute specific tasks, they also work together to magnify the work of each system. As an example, the skeleton provides the framework to support the body and to protect vital organs, but it also provides mobility to the body and manufactures red and white blood cells that move energy through the body, fight infection and remove waste material.

As impressive as it is to consider the complexity of our bodies, for a century and a half, evolutionary thought has impacted how the human body is viewed. Many continue to insist that there are parts of the human body that prove our evolution - so called "vestigial organs" - that hold no significance now and are just remnants of mankind's evolution. Proponents will point to the plica semilunaris, adenoids and tonsils, the erector pili, wisdom teeth, and appendix, for example, to say they serve no important function in the human body.

The stated "useless body part" that truly astounds me is the coccyx (commonly called the "tailbone").  This is called a vestigial tail by evolutionists, but it is extremely necessary because it is an anchor for various muscles, tendons and ligaments in the pelvic floor. While most medical doctors know how important the coccyx is, many still consider it a vestigial tail. The coccyx is actually three to five separate or fused vertebrae. As the lowermost part of the spinal column it is designed to be an anchor while the rest of the spinal column remains more flexible.  Without these bones to attach to, abdominal muscles that help us lean back and sit down comfortably couldn't function. Many ligaments that cooperate in the flexing and support of the spinal column attach to the coccyx, along with muscles of the pelvic floor and muscles that help us walk. The coccyx also offers some protection when we fall on our bum, helping to prevent the more sensitive spinal column from being damaged. 

It is interesting that medical science eventually finds that these "vestigial" parts do have a purpose in the body.  God created us and we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 139:14).  He has made you for a purpose.  His Church, the Spiritual Body, is no less wonderfully made.  A spiritual body, with all of its Spiritual systems, work best in humility and love (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).  God expects a certain behavior and responsibility from us to each other, and He provides us His spirit to accomplish that (Galatians 5:22-26).  All of this works together.  They stand or fall together.  Can we have love in the body, through the Spirit of God, and not have peace?  Can we have gentleness, goodness and faith without humility?  No, we cannot.

As a physical body cannot survive without the head, neither can a spiritual Body.  Christ is our head (Colossians 2:18-19).  We need to have a humility in whatever our role in the body is.  We are to submit to one another in the Body, and to realize that our physical and spiritual bodies are really God's (Ephesians 5:21, 30, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17).  This concept of submission is foreign to the world.  Submission in this context is not a matter of a master and a slave, it is about working together in the roles and responsibilities God has given to us.  It is about yielding to His good will in order to learn the lessons He has in mind for us.

Our physical body works best when all systems are working in harmony.  Our spiritual body is no different.  I believe one of the greatest lessons God is teaching His church presently, is that of working together in unity (Romans 12:9-16) and humility - submitting one to another.

I wish you a very meaningful Sabbath,

Dan Dowd

13 January, 2023