United Church of God

Letter From Dan Dowd - November 18, 2022

Letter From Dan Dowd

November 18, 2022

Sabbath Thought - Being Thankful

In Matthew 13 Christ spoke the parable of the Pearl of Great Price.  This parable is only recorded in Matthew's Gospel, and it is only two verses (45-46).  In this short parable, He describes the Kingdom of God as a precious treasure of one very special pearl that has been discovered.  This pearl was of such quality and beauty that the one who found this pearl sold all that he previously had in order to obtain this pearl.

Christ gave several other parables in Matthew 13 relating to the Kingdom of God (Matthew 13:33, 38, 45, 47).  Christ was striving to show us the degree to which we should value God's Kingdom.  Are we seeking God's Kingdom - and everything that it represents - with our whole heart (Matthew 6:33)?

This coming Thursday is the U.S. national holiday Thanksgiving Day.  This holiday started out as a recognition of God's bounty and mercy bestowed upon this nation.  For more than one hundred years it was evident to the people of this nation that God had blessed us more than any other nation before.  Sadly, in the last fifty to sixty years Thanksgiving Day has morphed into a day of watching football, focusing on the food to be eaten, or even as the opening bell of the Christmas shopping season.  This nation has forgotten how to be thankful.

How about us?  Are we deeply thankful for all that God has given to us?  It can be easy to miss seeing the many, many "small" blessings that God gives to us, both physically and spiritually.  What about the very calling God has given to us now - to be part of the First-fruits?  If God was selling the privilege of being in His Kingdom, what would we pay to be there?  Are we thankful to have the promise and hope of His Kingdom - to know that there are solutions to the problems mankind has created in this world?  Are we thankful to be called to serve, to be able to practice that in this lifetime, and to see the blessings that come from living God's way of life?  Are we thankful for the physical protection He provides for us?  Do we recognize the blessings that come from living His way of life?  Are we grateful for knowing the answers to the big questions of life?

One day (hopefully soon) mankind will be given the same understanding we have now, and will be given the opportunity to "buy" this Pearl of Great Price.  May those of us who God has called now be ever thankful for all that He gives us, and does for us.

I pray you and yours have a wonderful Sabbath,

Dan Dowd

18 November, 2022