United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - December 7, 2018

Letter From Dan Preston

December 7, 2018

Good evening brethren, and a happy - but cold - Sabbath!

Winter's coming...

And the internet is filled with memes about it. (If you're not sure what that is, ask your children or grandchildren).  But the point is, looks like we're going to get some snow this weekend, and as a result, services in Hickory have been canceled this Sabbath.  Services in Charlotte and Columbia will continue as scheduled.

A kinder, gentler, president

This past week saw the laying to rest of President George Herbert Walker Bush, or '41' as he was sometimes called in order to distinguish him from his son, George W. Bush, the 43rd president.  President Bush '41' was known to use the phrase, 'a kinder, gentler, nation' when he talked about his vision for this country as a whole. Although historians may debate his success in guiding our nation toward this vision, it was certainly a noble one.

Thinking of this vision let me to the book of Colossians this week.  In Colossians 4:6 (NIV), the apostle Paul directs us to be kind and gentle with our words, "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." In this scripture, Paul is specifically reminding us that when we talk with those outside our faith, we must be particularly mindful of not only what we say, but how we say it.

No human leader is perfect - not President Bush and not even the apostle Paul.  We all have room for improvement. One of those ways is with our words. We use words every day in many different ways.  Sometimes with strangers, sometimes with friends, and sometimes with family. How we use those words says a lot of our character.  President Bush was known to be a man with genuine and sincere character, striving to be more than just a president, but a kinder, gentler, human being.

A kinder, gentler, you

As the storm comes and goes this week, there will be many opportunities - both for frustration and kindness.  Perhaps with the power company, the road crews or even our own family we might wind up cooped up with for a few days!  As these opportunities present themselves, consider the reminder form Paul about our words. Let them be refined, full of kindness, grace and love!