United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - July 17, 2020

Letter From Dan Preston

July 17, 2020

Greetings brethren and Happy Sabbath!  Last week's memory verse was Matthew 18:15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother."  Read the letter below and see if your search for clues is fruitful!

Laws and more laws

As the ongoing COVID-19 crisis continues, it has been fascinating to watch the disagreement between state and local officials on the best way to handle various issues, in particular 'the mask.'  Some states, like North Carolina, made it a state wide requirement.  Others like South Carolina refused to make it a state wide requirement, so local towns could decide for themselves.  Georgia on the other hand does not have a state wide mask law, and has banned cities from creating their own mask law.  

No matter what you feel about 'the mask' personally, it seems we will all be suffering a long time from the political and social turmoil and divisions that have come about from this pandemic.  

A better endeavour

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for their patience and compliance with the mask requirement for church.  Although it is not what any of us wants to have to do, I appreciate the kindness everyone exhibited by complying with this requirement.  I have been happy not to need to be the 'mask police' at church, or run around trying to keep the peace during fellowship!

The good news is that despite what our local laws might be, we have been able to share the joy of being at in-person services in both North and South Carolina now, even though we don't have our regular facility in Charlotte yet.  And whether we are in person or not, there is something we can be doing, that is against no law.

Exhibiting Growth

As members of the body of Christ who yearn to exhibit faithfulness toward God, we should always be working to have fruitful growth as we are led by God's Spirit.  Our God treats us with such goodness and love,  our journey of growth should be filled with joy!

As this crisis continues, we must all work to maintain the self control needed to rise above potential divisions, and receive one another with gentleness and kindness as we endure.  May God's love and spirit guide us to produce the fruit in us He desires to see!