United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - June 19, 2020

Letter From Dan Preston

June 19, 2020

Good evening brethren and Happy Sabbath!  Last week's memory scripture was Psalm 6:4 (NKJV), "Return, O Lord, deliver me! Oh, save me for Your mercies' sake!" Read below to see if I've provided you enough clues for this week

A welcome change of pace

It was a tremendous blessing to be able to meet in person this past Sabbath in Columbia.  The joy of being together once more was immense, almost mountain like!  And although we're not quite there yet for Charlotte and Hickory, it seems it will be soon.

Not ideal, but it worked

As we approach the end of this isolation, I am reminded how grateful I am for the technology God provided to allow us to fellowship online.  While it's not the same as being in person, I couldn't imagine what these past few months would have been like without it.

This has certainly put a lot of things into perspective for every single one of us.  One of the most clear things is that whether it be our forefather Abraham, or our physical parents today who raised us, God alone is our provider.

What do you really need

As we begin to mount our comeback to in person services, let's continue to praise God for all He does for us, whether it be providing us the physical necessities like food and shelter, or the spiritual ones, like online fellowship and the Bible in our lap.

And of course, even when God chooses to no longer sustain our physical life, He still provides.  It is through His Spirit that we have eternal life, and by which we will receive a new body some day.  So whether it's the ability to meet, food to eat, or resurrection, we have a Lord Who Will Provide!