United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - September 13, 2019

Letter From Dan Preston

September 13, 2019

Good evening brethren and Happy Sabbath!  Last week's memory verse was Matthew 24:30 (NKJV), "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."  Read through this evening's letter and beware of clues for this week's memory verse!

Safe and secure

As a young man, growing up in the church of God, I liked the people I went to church with, especially our pastor.  He was kind and gentle, taking time to explain the word of God, as a good shepherd should. I never felt threatened as a sheep, and all was well.

Unfortunately, the day came when there was a change in thinking by those who had authority in the church at that time.  Their outward appearance didn't change, but something was different on the inside. Their love for the truth was lost, and soon, the church splintered.

What happened?

How could those who had been so kind and loving change so quickly?  It was simple. Inwardly, the heart of the shepherds had died. They had been replaced with hearts of greed.  No longer was the truth of God and care of the sheep a primary concern. Instead, the concern was about the number of followers and creating political allies.

That was a sad time for those of us who remember it.  And although I don't like to live in the past, I think it's safe to say we all learned some valuable lessons at that time.  Things that appear outwardly as soft and gentle, can sometimes be a cloak for a deadly adversary.  

Be vigilant

In ancient Israel, shepherds kept an eye out for wolves that sought to pick off a sheep from the flock for a meal.  As sheep today, we must constantly be on guard against wolves and other adversaries who would do us harm. Driven by greed and the desire to line their own pockets, they have no concern for the wellbeing of the sheep.  Even thought they may appear harmless at times, inwardly, they are deadly predators. Be on the lookout, and don't let yourself become a meal for the big, bad wolf!