United Church of God

Letter From Dan Preston - September 27, 2019

Letter From Dan Preston

September 27, 2019

Good evening brethren and Happy Sabbath!  Last week's memory verse was Matthew 5:48, (NKJV), "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."  Now keep an eye out below for evidence of clues not seen about this week's memory verse!

Hawaii, USA....

Anticipation and excitement are really beginning to build in our house about going to the Feast in Hawaii!  It's something our kids are very excited about about, and something my wife and I have hoped to do again since our first (and only, so far...) trip there back in 2001.

Must See

One of the sights we really want our boys to see is the USS Arizona Memorial.  The Arizona was of course sunk during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  It is very sobering and moving to see the remains of the ship below, and know that it is the resting place to many of the 1,177 that died on the Arizona that day.

As you have no doubt heard, and my wife and I have witnessed, oil continues to seep up from the Arizona to this day (approximately 2 quarts per day).  The slow leak of this slick substance is evidence of what can no longer be seen on the Arizona. It is a symbol of energy, movement and life.

Must Have

What is particularly striking about the USS Arizona memorial, is that the USS Missouri is moored right next to the Arizona.  The Missouri is where the Japanese signed the unconditional surrender to the United States on September 2, 1945, while anchored in Tokyo Bay.  Right next to each other, these two giants of the sea represent where World War 2 began and ended for the United States.

These ships stand as a very appropriate and honorable memorial of those who served and gave their lives for their country.  And while peace came on the deck of the Missouri, it is a peace that we know will not last. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have faith that a better answer will come some day.  While these two ships are a must see if you ever have an opportunity to visit Hawaii, faith is a must have for us each and every day.

A lasting answer

As we approach the Feast of Trumpets, our attention is focused on the return of Jesus Christ.  Just as that oil rises up from the Arizona, and Jesus rose from the dead, we know that one day, those sailors will rise from their unseen tomb. 

Our hope lies in the faith that Christ will return and rule this world.  This unseen substance is what we rely on, and what draws us closer to God each day.  As we prepare for the Fall Holy Day season, let our hope be renewed by our faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ and their plan for all mankind!