United Church of God

Letter From Devin Schulz - June 14, 2019

Letter From Devin Schulz

June 14, 2019

Dear Brethren,

The word "stand" has, in one aspect of its meaning, its origins in the military context of withstanding attack. This is the sense used when we ask the question, what do we stand for? What positions or ideals do we hold in such high regard, we are willing to defend against anything that may challenge them. Scripturally we are told we are to stand so firmly for God that we are willing to even die to defend His way of life. God describes those with this character in Revelation as the ones who "...Overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (Revelation 12:11).

Throughout scripture we get examples of men and woman who fall into this category. Moses stood for God when Israel rebelled (Psalm 106:23). Joshua and Caleb "wholly followed the Lord" (Numbers 32:11-2). Elihu was the only one amongst Job's friends that sought to speak for God in all their discussions (Job 36:1-33). The whole chapter of Hebrews 11 gives many other precedents of those who held seeking first God's Kingdom and His Righteousness as their main priority.

Despite the "cloud of witnesses" we have recorded in scripture, there have been times when God looked for one who would stand for Him and found none. Ezekiel 22:29 describes a time in Israel that was morally bankrupt. The prophets of the time were not preaching God's word, but a message ignoring the sins of the people and giving the people a false sense of safety (verse 28). This false guidance led the people to seriously mistreating others. In this environment, God sought for someone who was so devoted to Him and His law that they would "stand in the gap" and defend the people by teaching them what God desires they know (Verse 30). Unfortunately, God lamented because no such person came forward.

We stand in the midst of a similar situation in modern times. Our world continually slips into moral destitution. Yet, the leaders of this world fail to admit that it is turning to God that will begin to solve our problems. In contrast to this, God is working with each us to be the ones who will be called to the wall. To stand for Him and His way of life in the face of whatever may befall us. If we are faithful to do this, God will use us to begin to heal this world by teaching the people about God. Before this takes place, we must show that we are devoted to Him beyond a shadow of a doubt. This means day in and day out submitting to God in every thought, word, and deed. In doing so, we will develop the character that God is looking for.

Brethren stand firm in the Lord. Let's use this Sabbath to fortify our position in Him and always stand for His truth, not any substitute.

Happy Sabbath

Devin Schulz