United Church of God

Letter From Jim Tuck - April 21, 2018

Letter From Jim Tuck

April 21, 2018

Dear brethren,

All of us like to feel secure in our lives whether we are at home, at work, or walking in a mall.  Businesses spend a lot of money to make their place of business secure with trained security people, camera, locks, and procedures intended to make employees safe.

Last week I spoke about the wiles and schemes of the Devil, and how we need to be constantly on guard against his methods to get to us.  In one sense it is a matter of preparing ourselves so we are secure from the attacks of the demonic world.  It is something we as free moral agents must make the effort to do on our own. 

However, God has His own plan geared to keep His people safe in a dangerous world.  One point we must never forget the scriptures reveal there are at least two righteous angels to every demon, and the angels of God really do watch over His people. 

Often wealthy people have heavily invested in programs to give themselves security.  Some have bodyguards who are with them at all times when they are out and about in public.  This added protection is necessary because of the very real possibility of someone might kidnap an heir to a fortune and hold them for ransom. 

Mark Zuckerberg has been in the news with an appearance before a congressional panel due to the misuse of Facebook data.  He is 33 years old, and the sixth richest man in the world, worth around $70 billion.  It was recently reported that "it cost $20,000 a day to protect Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook spent $7.3 million last year for costs related to personal security for Mark Zuckerberg, the company said in a filing."

Mark Zuckerberg is not the richest person in the world, but Jeff Bezos with his Amazon fortune, with nearly $120 billion.  An yet, they are paupers compared to God. 

 "The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine,' says the Lord of hosts." (Haggai 2:8)

God has called us to be His sons and daughters, and as the children of God, we have the right of inheritance based on family.  No one knows us right now.  But God's people, just from a physical standpoint apart from the spiritual benefits, are the richest people on earth. Any one of our brethren are wealthier than Jeff Bezos.    We haven't taken possession as yet, but it is all ours.

Paul describes the son-ship we have in Rom. 8:16-17, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together."
In essence whatever Jesus Christ our Lord has in the Kingdom, we will have.  The Apostle John said when Jesus appears we will be like Him because we will see Him as He is.
Since God has wealthy children, He also has added protection for them, and the righteous angels provide that for us.  God has assigned angels to watch over and protect His people on a continual basis.  Paul discusses this fact in the book of Hebrews.

"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" (Heb. 1:14)

The angels of God are servants to the future heirs who will inherit all things. We can be thankful for the help of the angels when we have escaped dangerous situations which we cannot explain.  It might be good for all of us to thank God in prayer for the protection He provides for us.

We will see you tomorrow for the Sabbath!     
Your servant and brother,                                             
Jim Tuck