United Church of God

Letter From Jim Tuck - February 16, 2019

Letter From Jim Tuck

February 16, 2019

Dear brethren,

We have the dubious fortune of being born in the modern 21st Century.  A time when there is so much skepticism and doubt in the world, especially in God, the Bible, and people in general. 

Those called now are optimistic and positive about the Great God, His Word, and people.  We are this way because God has outlined in His Word His plan for every human being who has ever existed.

I've been thinking about the miracle of how much people can change when they truly are converted to God's way of life.  When the Holy Spirit is leading someone, it helps transform them into someone different.

Saul was man who was filled in venom and hatred for Christians in the time of the early church. He dragged people to their death. When a great persecution came on the church, Saul was there gratified by the stoning of Stephen, the first church martyr.  He was breathing out menacing threats against the people of God, and was thankful to see them in prison or put to death.  (Acts 8:1, 9:1)  

Saul sincerely thought he was doing God a service by seeking to exterminate this "cult." However, as he journeyed to Damascus Jesus Christ struck him down with blindness. (Acts 9:8-9)

This once bold exterminator of God's people was astonished by this Divine intervention. He trembled, as he uttered the most important words he had ever spoken in his life, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?"

From that day Saul began a transformation.  He changed by leaps and bounds.  He forged ahead with God's help and his name was changed to Paul.  Rather than being the greatest advocate for the downfall of the church, Paul played a powerful part in building the Church of God.  He filled a great need in the first century church.  His impact is still felt to this day.  His life started out badly, but he made a startling change and made ended up making a great difference.

I wonder sometimes if any of us know how close this world is to the destruction described in the book of Revelation.  The destruction of the United States and Britain is closer because we are likely to fall first.

More than ever, there is a grave need to get the message of the gospel to this world.  It needs to go out with greater power.

The time of ancient Israel was a time much like ours. The nation had fallen into corruption and sin was evident from head to toe as described in the first chapter of Isaiah.  Both Israel and Judah eventually were taken captive for the same reasons.  (Isa. 1:5-6)

History records the downfall of Israel and their captivity by Assyria from 721-718 B.C.  Judah did not learn the lesson from Israel and their downfall at the hand of the Babylonians was from 604-585 B.C. God means what He says!

God did not want to bring the captivity on either Israel or Judah, but there was only a small remnant who were willing to obey God.  They had fallen into immorality like the United States and Britain today.

It is time for all of us to "stand up and be counted", and declare with our whole hearts that we are working with God's work to warn this nation and preach the message of hope to all peoples.  Like the Apostle Paul we need to do our part in the work, and we must have a "What will you have me do Lord" attitude.

God told Ezekiel the prophet this, "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord God." (Ezek. 22:30-31)

A gap represents a place of weakness, vulnerability and potential danger.  The time ahead is referred in scripture as a time like no other in history.  How close to the precipice are we?  When it comes, it will come quickly to this country and the world. 

Will you stand in the gap?  What will you have me do Lord?

Have a wonderful and uplifting Sabbath! 

          Your friend and brother,                                                                           

Jim Tuck