United Church of God

Letter From Ryan Hall - July 11, 2021

Letter From Ryan Hall

July 11, 2021

Greetings Brethren,

     I came across an interesting article recently and I wanted to share a portion of it with you. It was titled: "WHAT IS IN YOUR HANDS?" It started off with the scripture in Exodus 4:2, "So the Lord said to him (Moses), What is that in your hand? And he (Moses) said, A rod."

     The author then asks the reader to consider this interaction between God and Moses and apply it to our lives. He points out that what we may at times view as insignificant, simple, or even ordinary, with a perception correction and proper vision, it can be used to do mighty things, especially when God is involved.

     The author continues the article by saying, "A ball in our hands is something we use for fun, it's worth about ten dollars, but in the hands of Michael Jordan, it's was a mighty tool and it produced six championship rings.

     A paint brush in our hands may be worth a few dollars and give us something to hang on the wall to enjoy, but in the hands of Michelangelo, it was a passion and it produced famous paintings of which are considered priceless.

     A stick in our hands is almost worthless and are often discarded, but in that hands of Moses it was a symbol of God's power and with it, God parted the Red Sea.

     A sling shot in our hands is a simple child's toy that we used to have fun, but in David's hands, it was a powerful weapon and used to slay a giant."

     The article leaves the reader with a challenge to change their perspective concerning the talents and opportunities that each one has been given. He suggest stop seeing things as ordinary or simple and look at it with its potential in mind. This made me think about what we have been blessed with in this age. Especially when this world under Satan's influence is trying to make us feel odd, and that having faith in God, His Laws, His Sabbaths, His promise, the Bible in general, as something only a simple-minded person would believe or follow. Which then made me consider the potential that God has placed in our hearts. It also made me consider just how precious it was to me, as well as examine what am I doing with this gift.

     Have you taken the time lately to actually consider, What's in your hands?

     Brethren we have the Word of God in our hands. It's a powerful gift breathed from the mouth God and it has stood the test of time. It has been preserved for us whom the ends of this age have come upon. Within its pages we find what the Apostle Paul called, "Holy, Just, and Good". In fact Jesus called these words "Truth" and asked the Father to sanctify us, set us apart, by them. If we are set apart by them, we must see the potential and use them.

     The author of Hebrews paints a vivid picture of what this Holy Book is and what it's to be used for in Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

      This is what we have the honor of holding within our hands. A gift, a tool, a key to life, an opportunity to unlock with the help of God our incredible potential! Think about what can be accomplished when we take this wonderful gift and apply it as God would have us do! Life yes, but a life that reaches to eternity and beyond. 

     Let's never look at this Bible as simple, insignificant, or common. It's powerful in the hands of the servants of God. How we use it will reveal just how much we truly value it.

     So the questions remain: What's in our hands? How do we view it? What will we do with it?

     Will it remain in the hand or will it make its way into the inner most parts of our heart, mind, and souls? Will it be used to guide us toward that incredible potential? The choice is ours!

    Have a wonderful Sabbath!