United Church of God

Discerning the Truth in a Post - Truth World (Part 2)

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Discerning the Truth in a Post - Truth World (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (31.98 MB)


Discerning the Truth in a Post - Truth World (Part 2)

MP3 Audio (31.98 MB)

We are living in an era known as the post-truth era. A time in which it has become difficult to ascertain what is true and what is not, and in the absence of a standard of objective truth, man has made that truth subjective, defining it for himself. People have their own personal truth, they 'live their truth', etc. God defines that which is true. Where it is between society and God, it tends to be easy to see what is true and what is not, but what about times when it is discernment between interpretations of scripture, both individuals using the same text, the same Spirit of God, but ultimately coming to a different conclusion? What is our christian responsibility toward one another during these times? Part two of this three part series will cover this question.

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