United Church of God

The Prayers of the Saints

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The Prayers of the Saints

MP3 Audio (10.91 MB)


The Prayers of the Saints

MP3 Audio (10.91 MB)

God reveals His model methods for family body communication which is so precious He keeps the prayers of the saints and even reviews them. Why does He keep the prayers of saints and actually review them? What would be the purpose of Him honoring the communications of the saints this way?

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  • Jhaskins
    When you stated that God listens to our prayers AFTER we die... the thought came into my mind that I could pray, not only for my children and grandchildren that are alive, but for all the great grandchildren that may be born after my death. I want them ALL to be taken care of spiritually; as well as physically protected and blessed. I get excited about the promise of God in Acts 2:39 to me about my children and my gr-gr-gr-grandchildren being those AFAR OFF God will call.
  • morrisong
    Hello Jen, An interesting thought for sure. Of course God also appreciates the concept of the symbolism of the prayers He listens to and re-listens to - being "beaten small" as the incense wafting up from inside the temple - (Leviticus 16:12 (NKJV) Then he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from the altar before the LORD, with his hands full of sweet incense beaten fine, and bring it inside the veil.) That incense is the symbol of the prayers of the saints (Revelation 8:3,4). So, considering that we may not know the future lives of our descendents and their very specific needs, it would be difficult if not impossible to beat prayers "small" (meaning fine detail) about them. We may want to consider that God is interested in what we DO know in fine detail that we talk to Him about regularly with HIS attitude concerning His Plan and Way of Life. In other words, what are we involved in that we may cooperate with God in affecting while in this life? That kind of prayer communication is what the Heavenly Host certainly consider worthy of replay.
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