United Church of God


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Total results: 3527.
Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik
Victor Kubik interviews Roman Grynyshyn, founder and CEO of World to Rebuild Rural Ukraine (WRRU). He has been working for more than ten years with elder Neal Kinsey who operates Kinsey Agricultural Services. Roman speaks first-hand about...
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Noel Roy Gilos
Feast Site Region: 
Our Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day 2024 for Mindanao, Philippines, will once again be held at Hotel De Susana and Resort in Purok 2, Patag Bagontaas, Valencia City, Bukidnon. Labeled as the highland paradise in the heart of...
Inside United Podcast
by Jorge de Campos, Victor Kubik
Jorge de Campos is the senior pastor for the Portuguese-speaking areas of the world, the largest of which is Brazil. Jorge's update includes a Good Works agricultural project that will help church members and the community located in...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
In this sermon Gary Smith presents material on agriculture in the millenium. He presents details on how agriculture will change after the return of Christ and the blessings this will bring to our world.
by Braden Veller
St. Petersburg, FL
Agriculture is prominent in the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Most Americans have little understanding of the critical importance of Ukraine in the balance of power in Europe.
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Noel Roy Gilos
Feast Site Region: 
Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines Our Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day 2022 for Mindanao, Philippines, will have a new site at Hotel De Susana and Resort at Purok 2, Patag Bagontaas, Valencia City, Bukidnon. Bukidnon is labeled as...
by William Hewitt
Beloit, WI
Having a better understanding of the agricultural year in Israel can give us greater insight into the spiritual lessons in the Bible that are illustrated with farming analogies.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We all have to fight spiritual battles, and success requires zeal and passion.
by William Hewitt
Chicago, IL
This is a review of the agricultural year in Isreal that will help give us a better understanding of the many agriculture references and parables in the Bible.
by Bob Fahey
Chicago, IL
Many of the parables of Jesus were set in an agricultural setting. As "every tree is known by its fruits", there's much to learn by applying the lessons of agriculture to our lives. Learn about our spiritual work from the perspective of a...
United News
Howard Davis
Louis Simpson Foundation Partners with LifeNets to Demonstrate Transformational Agriculture in Malawi.
Malawi is nicknamed the “warm heart of Africa.” It’s easy to see why. It’s full of intelligent, capable, aspirational, inviting and overwhelmingly peaceful people. Yet poverty devours the lives of its millions. Malawi is at the bottom of...
by David Meidinger
Albuquerque, NM
Jesus used agricultural analogies. How are we to understand His admonition to "Go and Bear Fruit".
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
James 5:7-8 contain an analogy of a farmer patiently awaiting the early and latter rains, to be able to harvest the precious fruit of the earth. That farmer had to rely upon God for the coming of those early and latter rains. He couldn't...
United News
Rex Sexton
We need to be alert and making preparation for the coming days of turmoil and persecution.
The period of Ukrainian history from 1931-1934 is now known as Holodomor, from the Ukrainian words for hunger and death. It was one of the worst death tolls from starvation in the 20th century and was entirely man-caused. Nearly four...
