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Baptism is an important step in the process of salvation—it’s a full immersion in water, symbolizing the death of the old self and being raised to new life. "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins," (Acts 2:38).

  • by Bruce Gore
Recently, my son-in-law sent me a few pictures of our new granddaughter, Sarah Davidson.
  • by Rex Sexton
Mega churches are taking the American church landscape by storm—often huge in terms of attendance and campus size. But are they preaching the gospel recorded in the Bible?
  • by Herbert Teitgen
As we approach the Passover season, it is traditional to go through a preparation process. Entering the cycle of God's annual festivals should prod us to reflect on the meaning and significance of each of the seven festivals and seven steps in God's master plan.
  • by Gary Antion
We don't all have the same experiences leading to baptism, but the Bible identifies some necessary steps in the process of conversion.
  • by Larry Neff
What does it take to be a Christian? According to the Bible, there is much more to being a true follower of Jesus Christ than most people realize. How does God's Word define a true Christian?
  • by Ralph Levy
I couldn't understand what repentance really meant. I think I toyed with the idea of walking through deep snow with a heavy burden strapped to my back.
  • by David Treybig
Just as with our annual physical check -ups, each year on the Days of Unleavened Bread and Passover, we should take extra measures to examine ourselves. This is our annual spritual "check-up."
  • by Ashley O'Brien
A young woman travels to England and meets a man who helps her to understand that knowing God and living His way of life is the only way to attain the precious gift of eternal life.
  • by Jim Servidio
Many young people accept that being baptized is in their future, but what is the best time? How do you know you are ready? What is the role of the ministry?
  • by Jerold Aust
Our faithfulness now is a necessary step in bringing the fulfillment of God's plan to the billions yet to be saved.
  • by Daniel Macaraeg
It takes faith to leap out of an airplane with only a parachute on your back. The same process used to prepare for one's first jump can be used to prepare for baptism.
  • by Greg Sargent
Major denominations are trying to figure out how non-Christians might be saved apart from Jesus Christ. But can it be done?
  • by Jack Elliott
Whether wealthy elite or ragged vagabond, without Christ in us we are but man.