United Church of God


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Total results: 3655.
Sabbath Services
by Peter Eddington, Marcus Lucas
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - December 31, 2022 Due to technical problems with the video there will be no archived webcast.
by Jonathan Fahey
Dallas, TX
In 1 Timothy 6:5, Paul corrects those that think godliness is gain, but then says in verse 6 that godliness is gain. We explore the relationship of godliness, gain, and the key element of contentment described by Paul.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Harry Truman once said, "it's amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." The apostles carried out great miracles, but they acknowledged that it wasn't their own greatness, it was the greatness of God working...
by Ralph Redline
Oklahoma City, OK
As the children of God, we are strongly counseled to test the spirits that are very active in the age of man. 1 John 4:1. The ruler of this age has been consistently attempting to disrupt the work of God since he became Satan. We as God...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
In this sermon Mr. Smith looks at the expression mystery of godliness" used by Paul in I Timothy 3:16. After showing us that the word "mystery" means something that can only be revealed to us by God he spends the rest of the sermon...
by Stan Martin
Huntsville, AL
Do you know how to be content? Today we will talk about Godliness with Contentment.
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Please join us for this eye opening video sermon on the subject of "What is Godliness?" In II Peter chapter 3 verse 11 it tells us we shoud be Godly. What is Godliness? How do we become Godly? And can we understand Godliness? The...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Running a race is a common metaphor in the Bible for our Christian journey.
by W. Fred Crow
San Jose, CA
God say that Godliness with contentment is great gain. Why? How can we be content in a troubled world? God's Word tells us.
by W. Fred Crow
Eureka, CA
God say that Godliness with contentment is great gain. Why? How can we be content in a troubled world? God's Word tells us.
by Bill Bradford
Seattle, WA
In 1Timothy 3, Paul speaks of "...the mystery of godliness: ..." Why is godliness a mystery? What is this mystery? Can we understand this mystery? In verse 16 " ... great is the mystery of godliness:..." Listen, as the scriptures...
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
Godliness is the reverent behavior of God’s elect in their active and dignified effort to emulate Him.
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
The laws of man frequently govern the just, equitable and fair interactions between mankind, going as far back as some of the most ancient codifications of these laws. But these laws, designed to ensure that people treated one another...
by Peter Eddington
Twin Cities, MN
Let’s take a closer look at the marriage covenant, our baptismal vows and our path towards godliness. You’ll see how these all tie together!
by Mike Miller
Phoenix East, AZ
This message will review some examples of people given a new life and will present some life application principles to use in seeking things above.
by Jerald Kliewer
Oklahoma City, OK
Is there a connection between thankfulness and Godliness? Why would God ask us to be thankful? Does thankfulness have health benefits? Does it remind us of what we have to live for and the blessing we have? Should we thank God for what...
by Jerald Kliewer
Oklahoma City, OK
Is there a connection between thankfulness and Godliness? Why would God ask us to be thankful? Does thankfulness have health benefits? Does it remind us of what we have to live for and the blessing we have? Should we thank God for what...
by Patrick Read
Lexington, KY
Join us for this eye opening Sermon about our Conduct and what God expects from us. Are you a hearer only and not a doer? This message has some excellent reminders for all of us about our Conduct and Godliness.
by David Holladay
Seattle, WA
This is part 7 of a multi-part series on bearing fruit. God is looking for one thing from us and that is fruit - he will keep checking for it. Not just for us to keep his law, but produce the right fruit when we keep it. There is a formula...
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
How can we best honor God and Jesus Christ and have a relationship with them? This message examines how marriage is a path to godliness and holiness.
