United Church of God


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Total results: 3261.
by Freeman L. Kuhns
North Canton, OH
There are so many individuals whom are homeless both physically and homeless within their heart. The Kingdom of God is the answer. So let us endure that race to the end and know that the Feast of Tabernacles promises a permanent home.
United News
Rhonda Diggins
The teens of the Columbia, Maryland, congregation reached out to the community by collecting donated items for a local orphanage run by St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore.
In addition to the orphanage, St. Vincent de Paul also offers numerous services for homeless families including housing. The teens contributed to a project called “Beans and Bread.” The project distributes over 200 personal care bags each...
Beyond Today
by Lynne Broschak
Sometimes what we see on the outside is meaningless. It just doesn’t tell the whole story.
by Gary Beam
Panama City Beach, Florida 2019
Today, the world faces an increasing problem with the homeless. In the world to come, the homeless will find the hope of a permanent dwelling in a new homeland.
United News
The Nashville, Tennessee, congregation is happy to share with you our thrilling project of the 2012 summer.
Even before the summer began we held a yard sale to benefit the youth camp in Jamaica. Over a two-day sale we gained $1,800 for the camp. At the end of the sale we could not believe the number of things we still had. “Visions”...
UCG Short Films
by Rudy Rangel III, Jamie Schreiber, Steve Myers, Jonathan Magee
The story of a father desperately searching for answers when his daughter goes missing.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A young woman advertises to rent a family. The Bible contains an "ad" from God with a better offer.
by Don Hooser
Dallas, TX
A major theme of the Bible is freedom and liberty. Dramatic examples are the freedom provided by the 7th-year land Sabbath and the 50th-year Jubilee announced on the Day of Atonement. The Jubilee provided two types of liberty—restitution...
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Following on from October 2012 when Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey and New York, leaving behind a trail of destruction, one particular typhoon in 2013 will also be remembered for its ferocity—Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines...
by Mitch Showers
North Canton, OH
There are many groups and organizations that do good for our society. Homeless shelters, food kitchens, animal shelters, and environmental groups all help the most vulnerable among us and protect God’s creation. God created a beautiful...
by Nathan Ekama
Phoenix, Arizona 2016
Homeless individuals, people in dire need, and panhandlers could be described as the forgotten portions of society. Often times, these individuals have signs. What they write on their signs says a lot about their perspective on life and...
United News
Kevin Call
Portsmouth, Ohio, young people, ages 12-25, were challenged to participate in a “Year of Giving” in our local area.
Each young person chose a month and a charity. They will coordinate a service project involving our local congregation to serve the chosen charity in the chosen month. Ashleigh Call was responsible for the first month. She...
Beyond Today
by Janet Treadway
Depression runs rampant in our modern age, but ours is not the first generation to experience it. Turn to God and ask for His help. He is the greatest encourager of all time.
Compass Check

Do you ever get hard questions in life? I don’t mean things like, solve for x when x2+2x+1 = 4, but questions about life. As a pastor, I get hard questions all of the time, and to be honest, sometimes I have a tough time answering them!

United News
Tina Cason
The Nashville, Tennessee, congregation is beginning a new, ongoing service project called the “Free Pantry.”
A cabinet was donated by a member to a local senior citizen center and once a month, members will bring in non-perishable food items and toiletries to be collected to fill the cabinet. We will also make the items available to our local...
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
You often hear people pledge help to someone in need.
