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Human Nature

Left to our own devices, humans create and perpetuate hatred and destruction. God's plan to redeem humanity transforms our hurtful and hurting human nature to resonate with God's nature of healing.

  • by Rick Shabi
How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
  • by United Church of God
Many people believe God will accept them just as they are. But Scripture nowhere supports this idea. God expects His true followers to grow, mature and bear fruit. What kind of fruit does God expect? And how do we produce it?
  • by Ken Scherer
Think the iPhone is amazing—wait'll you read about the human body!
  • by United Church of God
When God formed our first human parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they were part of a created order that was "very good" (Genesis 1:31). Clearly they were not bent on evil.
  • by United Church of God
One of the fundamental principles of the Bible helps us understand why God wants us to quit sinning and turn to Him. That basic principle is we reap what we sow!
  • by Katherine Rowland
It’s not always possible to like everyone we know, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t love people.