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"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

Raising a child can be a daunting and, at times, completely overwhelming task. Why not approach it with the help of the world's greatest repository of wisdom—the Bible?

  • by Anthony Wasilkoff
One of the happier blessings of growing older, is the arrival of grandchildren. The bond and love you feel is truly a reward.
  • by Beyond Today Editor
Being a grandparent is a great blessing, but it can be more challenging these days to really connect with your grandchildren. What can you do to make the most of the times you do have with them?
  • by Mike Bennett
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, sometimes it seems children are from even farther out. What can parents do to improve interplanetary relations?
  • by Greg Thomas
Often some of our deepest personal problems are rooted in something we can't control—dysfunctional family behavioral patterns that came before us. But we can control our choices, and each of us can choose life and good things!
  • by Allen Stout
Nothing seems good about grief or the trials that bring it on us. But in the midst of a horrendous loss I began to see the connection between grief and love—and God.
  • by Joy Porter
God is writing His love letters to us with everything that grows and everything that flows, astounds and towers over us in nature. And what can be more precious than a baby!
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Time magazine stated, "Driven by a big jump in robberies, violent crime in the U.S. edged up 1.3% last year, according to preliminary FBI data" (June 18, 2007, emphasis added). Violent crime essentially means murder, rape, robbery with violence and aggravated assault.
  • by Nancy Capo
Our children are a wonderful gift from God, and it's our responsibility to teach them about Him. What are some of the ways we can teach our children about God?
  • by United Church of God
"Ouch, that hurts," are words that also mean "I will never do that again." We hope this teacher does not stay long.
  • by Larry Walker
Father's Day is now celebrated by numerous nations on the third Sunday of June. So we may appropriately ask: What changes are occurring in the family role of fathers?