United Church of God


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Total results: 10192.
Sabbath Services
by Rick Shabi, Stephen Bouchette
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - April 13, 2024
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
Repentance isn't a "one and done" activity that took place at our baptisms. Rather, it is ongoing. It is a gift from God, a process of examining ourselves, searching for those areas that don't match up to Christ, then turning from our...
United News
United News
These seven days of self-examination during the Feast of Unleavened Bread prove invaluable in helping us to devote our lives to God and Jesus Christ. They also also picture our eventual triumph over sin, made possible through the sacrifice...
The Days of Unleavened Bread remind us that with God's help we must remove and avoid all types of sin in all areas of our life. This is the next step in God's plan for humanity. After Passover we must keep the sin out of our lives. When...
by Len Martin
Mansfield, OH
Examining ourselves is a Biblical imperative, but if we don't guard ourselves and maintain a proper perspective we could end up becoming self-righteous and pharisaical. In daily self-examination, we must be on guard against thinking...
by Darrin Keith
Huntsville, AL
We hear each year about self examination but how did we end up with this need for self examination? This sermon will look back and ask how did we arrive at this point of needing self examination.
by Walter Crane
East Texas
We all wrestle with selfishness and it is something we must overcome. With Passover just a few short weeks away, we need to examine ourselves and identify areas where we need to repent and change. Five problem areas of self to lookout for...
by Don Hooser
Lawton, OK
We will examine the subject of self-examination. Lam 3:40  Let us search out and examine our ways, And turn back to the LORD; 
United News
by Dan Dowd
Self-examination is seldom pleasant or comfortable—but it is a necessary part of our calling so God can bless our latter days.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
How accurate are your self-assessments? Throughout Paul’s letters to the various churches, he exhorts Christians to analyze their actions. Before we analyze ourselves, however, we must first examine our thinking to be effective. How...
by Daniel Reisdorff
Burlington, WA
Three core principles of self-examination will help you assess your spiritual readiness to partake of the Passover.
Family Study Guides

In this Family Study Guide we review God’s Fruit of the Spirit, Self-Control (temperance). Self-control involves struggling against our human nature, our thoughts, emotions and habits, and bringing them into obedience to God’s laws and teachings.

by Gary Petty
Murfreesboro, TN
Many are familiar with the idea of Satan's deception of this world. We must be aware of that fact, but we also must face the very real danger of self-deception. This is something that can be hard to confront, since it involves some very...
by Dan Dowd
Salina, KS
A review the topic of spiritual self-examination, using the book of Job as a background.
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
A look at different ways we can examine ourselves and what we can truly look for to make sure we root out sin.
by Dan Preston
Charlotte, NC
Before Passover each year, we are instructed to examine ourselves so we can take the Passover in a worthy manner. What does that mean, and how should we do it? In this message, we'll consider three key points in preparing for this most...
by Barry Korthuis
Colorado Springs, CO
The teachings of the bible include the importance of self-examination (2 Cor. 13:5). This sermon focuses on some core aspects of effective self-examination; including preparation for the Passover (1 Cor. 11:27-28).
by Gordon Hannaway
St. Petersburg, FL
While we all look forward to the time of Christ’s return on the Day of Trumpets, we need to consider this: What will happen to each of us on that day? What will be the outcome for us personally on that day? Now is the time to be...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
**Evaluation Handout can be found in 'Downloads' section at right.** All of us have likely had the experience of a performance evaluation at work. This is a time when our boss sits down with us and examines our performance, and how we...
by W. Fred Crow
Eureka, CA
Examine ourselves if we are in the faith - look for the evidence of change in our lives, using God's Spirit as a mirror.
