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  • by Gary Petty
Magazines, TV and the Internet are obsessed with celebrities and celebrity culture. How does society's fascination with celebrity culture affect you and your children? How can you counter its negative influence?
  • by Amanda Stiver
The yearly Nielsen data on the American television audience for 2009 shows that 90 percent of Americans subscribe to paid television services either by cable, satellite or other wireless service.
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
What we see published about unfaithfulness today should alarm us. One magazine cover asked, "Is Anyone Faithful Anymore?" The drophead on the cover read, "The Death of Monogamy—and Why That's No Bad Thing." The title inside is "Yours, Unfaithfully."
  • by Kayla Rains
What is the value of time? Like currency, perhaps the best measure is in how it is spent. What kind of benefit are you receiving from how you spend your time?
  • by Amanda Stiver
TV was rated the easiest-to-use and most accurate news source, according to teens surveyed in a recent First Amendment study. TV was followed closely by the Internet as a news source, with 66 percent of respondents getting news from Web sites sponsored by search engines.
  • by James Capo
The more television children watch as four-year-olds, the more likely they are to become bullies in elementary school, according to a study by researchers at the University of Washington.
  • by Jerold Aust
Modern pop culture is robbing children of their innocence while undermining their character growth by addicting them to random violence, filthy language and explicit sex. In spite of this subtle brainwashing, you can still win the war being waged against your family.
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Young children who watch television at a very early age may risk later attention deficit problems, according to Dr. Dimitri Christakis (Associated Press report, April 5).
  • by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
In a study of U.S. television programming between 1998 and 2002, cursing had risen 95 percent during the television family hour (from 8 to 9 p.m. Eastern and Pacific Time) each evening. The very next hour, from 9 to 10 p.m., showed a 109 percent increase in cursing.
  • by John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Scott Ashley
Watching as little as one hour of television a day can lead teenagers and young adults to engage in violence such as fistfights and other assaults later in life, according to researchers who conducted a study that tracked more than 700 young people over 17 years.
  • by Ralph Levy
As a reader of The Good News, you are probably disturbed by many of the values of the culture around you—and with good reason. How can we counter the degrading influence of much of popular culture?
  • by Howard Davis
Does your family properly use electronic mass media? Or do you let the media abuse you? Here are 10 principles to help you regain control and stamp out media abuse.