United Church of God

Treasure Digest: "Stay at Your Post" An Answered Prayer

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"Stay at Your Post" An Answered Prayer

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I have often heard, and sincerely believe, that service is an important part of the Feast. But several years ago I wanted to walk away from a service responsibility and never serve in that way again!

It's not that I didn't like the type of service I was asked to do that year. Actually, I enjoyed it. And, as usual, most of the people were easy to get along with. Most folks were friendly and cooperative—except for a few.

From the beginning until halfway through the Feast, these few made my job rough! They unintentionally made this the most difficult post I have ever held. The details are unimportant, but suffice it to say I was letting the situation get to me. I felt humiliated. In fact, I had already developed cold sores as a result of not coping with the stress.

I found the entire experience baffling and exhausting. Relationships matter to me. But it was obvious that this year's responsibility was going to test my mettle.

On the evening of the third or fourth day, in utter despair, I got on my knees and told God I was through. I had had enough! I was sick of the stress. I wanted to quit. I waited a bit, and then I asked God, "Do You want me to quit?"

Next morning, I arose after a restless night. I made a cup of strong coffee, got my Bible and went out on the patio. A cool breeze was blowing. Cotton-candy clouds graced the pink dawn.
I asked for God's inspiration on my morning Bible study, and then I opened to Ecclesiastes. I had read chapter 9 the previous morning. Now I started chapter 10.

After reading three verses, I was suddenly riveted to verse 4: "...do not leave your post!"

The words jumped off the page! They cut me to the quick, as my mother would say. And I read those words again.

The moment took my breath away. I was stunned! And I was in awe. For in that instant, I had my answer. I felt like God Himself was sitting there. He was talking one on one with me. He brought the exact answer I needed. And that moment changed my life!

Not only did I gain strength and encouragement, but the difficulty turned around. Things began to go much better, and my Feast responsibility was accomplished.

When we left a few days later, I was able to hug and forgive the people who I had felt were so difficult. These folks had no malicious intent; they were suffering with life troubles, and I was simply the closest object for their misplaced emotions.

But I won. I passed the test. And I would continue to serve—to stick with my post.

In my Bible, next to Ecclesiastes 10:4, I have written, "Never forget the Feast!"

I have never forgotten that answered prayer. I remind God of that from time to time. For now when I pray, I expect an answer. And I tell this story when appropriate. Because God gets the credit, not me.

God wants us to talk to Him. And He wants to talk to us. He will give you the answers you need, through the Bible and other means, if you will go to Him in true faith. So stay at your post—wait for the answer—and never quit!

—John A. Fox
Salt Lake City, Utah, congregation