United Church of God


Kent Spiry Posts

Kent Spiry

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Kent Spiry





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by Kent Spiry

Do you know your true character? We take a close look at Judas — one of the worst Bible characters — and explore three facts about him, and takeaway lessons from his life.

by Kent Spiry

Did you know that there are thousands of promises in the Bible? Let's explore some of the many promises and learn how to interact with and apply them to our lives.

by Kent Spiry

How do we prepare for the spiritual battles we face? Discover the weapons that God provides us and learn how to use them effectively.

by Kent Spiry

How can we prepare ourselves to receive God’s blessings? First, we need to be obedient and have a relationship with God, then ask Him for what we’re lacking.

by Kent Spiry

Although the Feast of Trumpets points to the future, for us, this day starts now. The Kingdom is coming, let’s do all we can now so in the soon coming future, we can ride with our Lord.

by Kent Spiry

The Thanksgiving holiday is the first step to get us in the right frame of mind to receive the blessings and receive the power of God.