United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 1030.
by Scott Ashley
Denver, CO
The terror group Hamas used the existence of red heifers in Israel as part of their justification for the horrific Oct. 7 attacks on Israel. What is the significance of the red heifers and the red heifer sacrifice, and how does this play...
by Barry Howdeshell
Jonesboro, AR
Most would agree that we are in the end-time and will need faith to endure this time. This sermon examines faith we need to endure in the end-time.
Bible Study Aids

More than three decades after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia is aggressively reasserting itself on the world stage, raising fears of a renewed Russian expansionism. How might this play out in Bible prophecy?

by John LaBissoniere
Portsmouth, OH
Today we will concentrate mainly on the 5th seal. We need to know this information for our future. We will also reference other parts of prophecy today.
by Ken Loucks
Portland, OR
Prophecy is one of, if not the hottest topics of interest Biblically. That's understandable when you look at the times we live in, watching the world around us decay in morals and principles on a daily basis. Crime is out of control;...
by Carl Koester
Salem, OR
Today brethren we will look at the two defining characteristics of Satan (murder and lies) and see how they will be manifest in the end times.
by David Mills
Columbus, GA
Mr. Mills gives seven areas that provide a good framework for end-time prophecy.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
What are the parallels between the time of Noah and our present age? There are lessons to learn and action steps we should do to remain faithful to God and receive His protection in these end-times.
by Steven D Holladay
Atlanta, GA
Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the messages to the seven churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, and the important lessons that each has for the current Church of God
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
The identity and fate of the end-time Babylon that is prominent in the book of Revelation has been the subject of speculation by so many. What does the Bible say about this power? What is its ultimate fate? Where did it begin? How...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Don Hooser
Coming soon—the spectacular and glorious return of our Savior returning as King of Kings to establish the Kingdom of God throughout the earth! Here are just five of the changes His rule will bring.
by John LaBissoniere
Kingsport, TN
Earthquakes are a fact of life in our present world. Plus, biblical end-time prophecy clearly reveals that they will play a significant role in the days ahead. In fact the Bible discloses that the greatest, most powerful and damaging...
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
End-time events predicted by Jesus in Matthew 24 - The Olivet Prophecy
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
End-time events predicted by Jesus - Matthew 24: 32-51
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
We can see turmoil in the history, as well as in the future, of the Middle East. Events in this region are destined to effect the lives on everyone on earth.
by John LaBissoniere
Paintsville, KY
Why does God reveal the future in Holy scripture? Jesus Christ's prophetic signs of His second coming give an overview of events at the "time of the end" and are equivalent to the Seven Seals of Revelation. This knowledge is to encourage...
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
Prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God. As His people today we have a unique perspective into the issues impacting the end-time church and the matters we must all be praying about. This sermon explores some of the prayers...
by Larry Walker
Central Oregon
ISIS and terrorist attacks are sweeping the world. We need to be aware of the seriousness of this and how it is involved in end-time prophecy.
