United Church of God


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Total results: 23569.
by david m mirigian
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: David Mirigian Date: 6/22/24 This message reviews the six points of belief about Humanity given in the Humanity section of the Church booklet, Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God. Each of the six points are...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
One of the "winds of doctrine" that has been blowing around the Church is that tithing is not required. Some even claim that assertion doesn't contradict our fundamental belief as stated in the Constitution of the United Church of God.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message focuses on the United Church of God's fundamental belief #9 Water Baptism. It explores what the bible really says about baptism and its importance in the christian calling.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message look at fundamental belief #3 Satan the Devil. It explores what the world at large believes about Satan and what the Bible says about Satan.
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
We always talk about looking for sin in our lives, and then removing this sin, but how often do we think about how to properly guard ourselves from committing sins? It's important to know our adversary, and what his tactics and tools are...
by Lewis VanAusdle
Hartford, CT
Think about how we perceive humanity? How do we think about people? Our perspective can get in the way and create judgments abut people rather than how God views reality. We often see the negative side of people and events. See how God...
by Lewis VanAusdle
Hartford, CT
Lessons about not only Satan and his fall but lessons about ourselves so we can not repeat his mistakes.
by David Fitch
Grand Rapids, MI
How often do we consider the glorious purpose that God has prepared for us as His creation? Or think about God's desire to grow His family and how we play into that desire? In this message we will discuss some of these things and look at...
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message look at the first part of the fourth fundamental belief about Humanity, Nature of Man. Specifically it looks at what is meant by created in the image of God, potential to be children of God and partakers of the divine nature.
by Jerald Kliewer
Tulsa, OK
What is the Passover ? What does the bible say about observing the Passover? Did the early church keep the Passover and should Christians today keep the Passover? If so how should Christians today observe the Passover?
by Jonathan Beam
Buford, GA
A review of the UCG fundamental belief about what a church is in the Bible.
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
This message looks at fundamental belief #2 - The Word of God. It looks at what sets the Bible apart from every other book ever written and what the Bible says we should believe about it.
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon look at our Fundamentals of Belief #15 - The Spiritual promises to Abraham
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon looking at our Fundamental belief #15 - The Physical promises and blessings to Abraham
by Gordon Hannaway
Tampa, FL
Where did our beliefs come from? Can we be sure they are not just "traditions of men"? The ultimate authority for all our fundamental beliefs is the Bible itself. The place for all of us to begin making sure our beliefs are on the same...
by John Elliott
Burlington, WA
Within the spirit dimension, a rival adversary is attempting to thwart the soon coming rulership of Jesus the Christ. Scripture provides us with vital information about this unseen being in order that we can effectively thwart his attempts...
by John Elliott
Burlington, WA
The Sabbath is the first festival that appears in the Bible. It is a weekly Holy Day observance in the New Covenant. The seventh day Sabbath offers those who keep it holy with deeper insights about God's Plan of Salvation for all humanity.
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon looking at our fundamentals of belief #13 - God's food laws. Who decides what is holy and unholy, clean and unclean. By keeping this aspect of God's law we prepare ourselves as a pure vessel ready to enter his temple
United News
Mark Welch
In this personal from MMS, Mark Welch focuses on the importance of being able to explain what you believe. This discussion is part of his series covering the results from the recent congregational survey.
As the Bereans One of the things that impressed me most about God's Church when I first started attending at age 18 was the solid emphasis on learning, studying and applying God's Word in our personal lives. I well remember hearing...
by W. Fred Crow
Eureka, CA
There is much confusion about what happens after death. Does man go to heaven? What of all humanity?
