United Church of God


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Total results: 39274.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
The strange revelries of modern culture have their roots in ancient rites and religion.
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
As we learn to handle our sword, one of the great dichotomies of Christianity from the first century to now is the concepts of Law and Grace. Let’s learn what the Word of the Lord says about these concepts.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
It was not God’s laws! Rather, Jesus’ death made it possible for our sins to be fully erased upon our repentance.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
A great number of Bible students are taught to believe that grace… and the law… or works… are in conflict with each other. Some go as far as teaching that there are two different God’s revealed in the Bible! They say that the God of the...
by Scott Ashley
Colorado Springs, CO
What is the relationship between grace and the law? Many people assume they are opposites, but what does the Bible say? Where did this idea originate? Did Jesus Christ come to do away with the law through grace? In this fourth and final...
by Ralph Helge
Los Angeles, CA
We believe that the Law of God is not obsolete, and that we are obligated to be obedient to Him. Does that mean we believe that salvation is achieved by works, or is it obtained by grace through faith? Are Christians obligated to perform...
by Bill Cowan
Chattanooga, TN
What does the Bible say about law and grace? Part 3 of the "Law and Grace" series.
by Moses Summers
Tampa, FL
Law and grace are inseparable. Law defines sin and its consequences. Grace is necessary so sinners can be forgiven and led to obedience to God through the power of the Holy Spirit and the assistance of Jesus Christ, who is our Savior and...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
While people ask this question, the real problem is that humanity has created an unjust, broken world—far removed from God.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
While grace includes God’s undeserved forgiveness and favor toward humanity, there is considerably more you can learn about it. 
What Does the Bible Teach About Grace?
by United Church of God
Many people have the impression that grace and law are fundamentally opposed. But is this what the Bible teaches? Let’s examine what it really says.
by Roy Holladay
Cincinnati East, OH
Those who twist the Scriptures, to put their own meaning into them instead of what God says, have misled many people. It is important for us to have a clear understanding of the term “salvation” as God defines it in the Bible.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Everyone has sinned. How can you overcome your sins and find forgiveness?
The New Covenant: Does It Abolish God's Law?
by United Church of God
The word grace is regularly used by some religious people as if it replaces all need to obey God's law. That conclusion is not only inaccurate, it is also diabolical!
by Victor Kubik
Cincinnati East, OH
The subject of grace is vital to our spiritual well-being but is a subject that has been in the past controversial and even feared. We need to be cautious and careful and define it more strictly to better understand this important...
The New Covenant: Does It Abolish God's Law?
by United Church of God
Grace is one of the most wonderful things God wants to give to us. It is far beyond just forgiveness of sin, which is extremely important and is also a gift that comes from God. Forgiveness is not something we can earn or buy or pay for in...
