United Church of God


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Total results: 4837.
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
What was it about Abraham's faith that so pleased God? Let's take a closer look at the faith of Abraham and ask ourselves, "Do I have the faith of Abraham? What did that faith look like? How may I develop the faith of Abraham?
by James Chance
Milwaukee, WI
"This message will focus on God’s Promises to Abraham and answer the following: 1) What are God’s promises to Abraham? 2) Why did God give these promises to Abraham? 3) How were God’s promises to Abraham fulfilled? 4) Why are God’s...
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
What can we learn from Abraham's life that we may develop also? In this message, let us look at Abraham's characteristics to learn the lessons we could apply within our personal lives.
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
One of the greatest blessings we can have in life is friendship. The most important friendship we can have is our friendship with God. We can learn about our friendship with God through his friendship with the servant Abraham.
by David Fitch
Grand Rapids, MI
When God promises something, we can be certain that He is going to fulfill every word. God made promises to Abraham, some of which have been delivered, and others which are still to be fulfilled. Thanks to Abraham's obedience, we are able...
