United Church of God


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Total results: 23956.
Good Works
Ben Light
Good Works
You’ve all heard the saying that blood is thicker than water. Well, I’m here to tell you that isn’t correct. Water, which is used in the scriptures as a symbol to represent the Holy Spirit… the Holy Spirit, water, is far thicker than blood.
Our final day in Nigeria was a whirlwind. We started at 5:30 in time to see off the youth from Owerri. They had a 12+ hour drive to get home once they made it to Lagos and got loaded onto the bus. Many of the Owerri youth are from the...
Good Works
Angela Beneski
Good Works
Angela Helseth updates on the last day of the agricultural project in Brazil
We are in Boa Vista, sitting in a nice hotel after a relaxing swim in the pool and a delicious big meal, and I would rather be back, sleeping on the benches in the church hall with the bugs and crickets that sound like helicopters. At...
Good Works
Monica N Call
Good Works
The blessing of building bonds
We’re all saying our goodbyes today as we wrap up an awesome week of camp. From fishing to hiking to swimming, all activities were incredible and came with good lessons to be learned. We all gathered around for pictures and to exchange...
by Frank Dunkle
Portsmouth, OH
All of us have to face death and the emotions that go along with it. What is death? What is the purpose for funerals or memorials? Is death a permanent goodbye? Listen as Mr. Frank Dunkle gives a better understanding to these questions....
by Joe Horchak
Sacramento, CA
One of the areas in our Christian life that we struggle with is that of guilt. Some guilt is good and some is just a hindrance in our lives. We need to know the difference.
United News
Doug Johnson
"Camp Heritage–11th Edition" wrapped up Sunday, Aug. 21, as 141 campers and 68 staff members said good-bye for another year to their "home away from home" near Farmington, Pennsylvania.
"Camp Heritage–11th Edition" wrapped up Sunday, Aug. 21, as 141 campers and 68 staff members said good-bye for another year to their "home away from home" near Farmington, Pennsylvania. This year's...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
"That money talks / I'll not deny, / I heard it once: / It said, 'Goodbye.'"—Richard Armour
by Andy Diemer
North Canton, OH
The Scriptures provide examples for our benefit of those patriarchs as they prepared to leave this mortal coil. What can we gleam from their example and what common attribute did they exhibit before their departure?
United News
The Huntsville, Alabama, congregation said a tearful good-bye to Rick and Angela Beam on Dec. 31.
The Huntsville, Alabama, congregation said a tearful good-bye to Rick and Angela Beam on Dec. 31. Mr. Beam had pastored the Huntsville congregation since 1993, and jointly pastored Cleveland, Tennessee, and Huntsville since 1995. He...
Good Works
Courtney N Dacey
Good Works
Saying goodbye to the kids that had completely taken over my heart was the hardest thing that happened this entire trip.
As I sit in the airport, I have the perfect opportunity to reflect on all the things of these past two weeks. So many new experiences were had and opportunities taken that I don’t think anyone expected. We practiced Spanish (even now I am...
