United Church of God


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Total results: 33531.
United News
Lewis VanAusdle
United Youth Corps participants followed in Christ’s steps on this trip to Israel, walking where He walked and learning where He taught.
It was truly a blessing to see this place a second time and to be able to share it with others, some of whom were seeing it for the first time. My wife, Lena, and I were joined by nine others from the United States to travel to as many...
by Amanda Miller
How the only sign that Jesus gave to prove that He was the Messiah wasn't just a proof of His resurrection—but a warning.
by Darris McNeely
I once had a supervisor I did not get along with. I tried to transfer out of his department but never could. I wound up working for him quite a bit longer than I intended. In the end I came to respect him. It was then I got a new...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik, shares info of his travels to Panama and to Brazil. He also discusses further information about the Pastoral Development Program that was recently held at the home office in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Today, Jorge de Campos and I visited the country of Panama on our way to visit our congregation in Maloca de Moscou in northern Brazil. We will spend this coming Sabbath and several days afterward with our brethren. We flew from...
United News
Paul Moody
In January trip, Mark Mickelson and assistant pastor Paul Moody visit congregations to see the brethren, offer encouragement.
On Jan. 9th, Mark Mickelson and I embarked on a two-and-a-half-week trip to Nigeria and the Republic of Benin, Africa. The purpose of the journey was to personally visit the congregations and scattered brethren, see how they were doing,...
United News
Lisa FenchelJonathan Magee
A group of volunteers served at Eagles' Nest orphanage in Guatemala for two weeks.
For the second year in a row, the United Youth Corps sponsored a two-week long service project at Eagles Nest Children’s Home in Solola, Guatemala. From the time the bus pulled up to the orphanage, team members were surrounded by...
United News
Jorge de Campos
Update on Jorge de Campos and Kraig Bledsoe's recent trip to Brazil and Angola.
On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, Kraig Bledsoe and I left Cincinnati on a 33-day pastoral trip to visit prospective members, baptize two new disciples of Jesus Christ and visit congregations in Brazil and Angola. Throughout the trip we can...
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville
You're likely scratching your head at that title or you may assume that it has something to do with NASA! Actually, it has to do with the Internet and something called MySpace, not outer space. This article examines an Internet phenomenon...
by Darris McNeely
Your life has been turned upside down during this global pandemic. Let’s all take a lesson of hope from the life of Jeremiah.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
Europe is destined to play a key role in future world events.
