United Church of God


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Total results: 15524.
by Ed Emery
Salem, OR
The world lives in a state of disrespect and disobedience, and has no regard for the law of God. We as God’s people have to live in that environment – we are surrounded by it, and it affects us. As Christians, how do we see lawlessness...
by Mike Bennett
The Bible talks about a cause of future climate change that no scientific model can predict and that no amount of debate can debunk. The core of the Bible teaching is simple, but the future predictions are earthshaking.
by Beyond Today Editor
My wife and I are going through this marriage book called His Needs, Her Needs. It’s a classic book; it’s probably old news for a lot of people. We’ve been married for 5 years, but in a lot of ways we both feel like this past year has been...
by Heidi Braun
How we respond to others' words and actions can reveal a lot about our respect, including that for God.
United News
by Don Hooser
You are called to carry His name and reflect His character with every thought, word and action. Never misuse or misrepresent His name. Instead, carry His name in the many wonderful ways that honor, exalt, magnify and glorify God the Father...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Nothing God does is in vain. Why use His name that way?
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Everyone knows that God created us as sexual beings. We also know that young people face tremendous pressures regarding sex. But who explains how and when a young person can best awaken his or her sexuality?
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. —traditional saying
Beyond Today
by Rodney Hall
How should we live our lives? Does it really matter what we say, do or even think? There is a way that is best to follow, but you must make the choice.
