United Church of God


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Total results: 46459.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
We often measure blessings on what we have, but there is one very important metric that is based on what we don't have: sin counted against us.
by David VenHuizen
Twin Cities, MN
This message discusses three general categories of blessings in our lives. We can try to count our blessings, but as we do so, we realize that we are truly blessed in many ways, and the more blessings we try to count, the more we realize...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
What a world this would be if we could only learn to count our blessings even while we are counting our troubles.
by Rachel Henderson
God told us to be joyful and celebrate His Feast of Tabernacles, using our saved-up tithe on the desires of our heart. But what are those desires, and what do they say about you?
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
People’s hearts often turn to God when they are in trouble, and yet less often when things are going well. We need to count our blessings, not only at Thanksgiving, but every day of the year.
This Is The Way
by Robert H Berendt
To some, giving means we are losing. Most parents realize that their greatest rewards come from giving.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Happiness is a choice—and it’s up to you.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
A blessing in disguise can be an exciting discovery.
by Ed Emery
Salem, OR
There is a saying - 'count your blessings'. How often do we stop and do that? God has given us so very much! In this message we review and reflect on some of the most important things that God, in His love for us, brings to our lives.
by Fred Nance
Little Rock, AR
Reflecting on our blessings is a positive, helpful, and constructive way to focus our Godly walk and build our relationship with our God.  Counting our physical blessings is important, but even more important is counting our spiritual...
by Debbie Carper
As Christians our lives are bound up with hope. There is no escaping it. But the world around us can sap that hope from us. Here are seven ways to counteract that and infuse hope back into our lives.
