United Church of God


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Total results: 52999.
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Salvation means being delivered from harm, loss or destruction. When used in a spiritual sense it means to be rescued from the penalty of sin. Since all people need salvation, is God offering it to them today, or has He set in motion a...
by Mike Bennett
God designed marriage to be between a man and a woman. He designed it to be a stable foundation for raising a family! And a stable foundation for society!
by Kathy Sanny
We have barely scratched the surface of the mind of the awesome God of the universe.
by John Ross Schroeder
"Welcome and congratulations. I am delighted you could make it. Getting here wasn't easy." These are the first sentences of the introduction to best-selling author Bill Bryson's new book, A Short History of Nearly Everything. He is...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
When God created Adam and Eve, He had much more in mind that simply to clone all humans from them.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Rick Shabi
How will the beautiful picture of world peace and joy become reality? What stands in the way, how will change happen, and can change start now?
Vertical Thought
by Hansel New
We live in an incredibly cynical age when it comes to believing in anything! So why do we constantly try to create belief in our make-believe worlds like video games?
by Randy D'Alessandro
All too often in our society a public figure faces humiliation after a sinful action comes to light. We regularly hear the phrase, "I take full responsibility for my actions." What does this phrase really mean? Taking responsibility means...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
God has a plan for your life. Discover His purpose for you which surprisingly has to do with your citizenship.
by Victor Kubik
We live in an age called the Anthropocene Epoch, where enough nuclear weaponry exists to destroy the entire earth's population many times over. Here's why we don't have to worry about that happening.
by Craig Scott
God has a plan to make eternal life available to every human being who has ever lived, past, present and future.
by Roger Foster
People often ask: Where was God on December 26, 2004 when the killer tsunami hit the coastal regions of the Indian Ocean? If He is a God of love why did He allow this disaster to occur? If He had the power to prevent it, why didn't He?...
by Galen Morrison
Beloit, WI
OUR conscious CHOICE to prioritize God, His Design, His Purpose, and His Designed Purpose for OUR life, which He has given us …allows God to Develop in US …Kingdom-Level Dedication
by Galen Morrison
Beloit, WI
God designed humanity for His Family and that is OUR Purpose …AND His Approach to us.
