United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 45835.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
The Bible tells us wonderful tale of Miriam, the older sister of Moses and Aaron, who dutifully and lovingly waited to see what would become of her brother as he floated down the Nile River in Egypt so long ago (Exodus 2:2-8).
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Bart Bornhorst gives examples from Scripture of God working with the youth and young adults on this special local youth day Sabbath.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
The godly heroes of the Bible were human beings just like you and me. None of us do it perfectly and none of them did it perfectly either. But we must practice God's way and keep going, keep trying – keep practicing. We take on Godly...
Good News
by Jerold Aust
A remarkable parallel to Moses and Miriam's songs is found in the book of Revelation, immediately preceding the seven last plagues. These seven afflictions are part of God's intervention to save mankind from total destruction, just as He...
by Jim Tuck
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
God uses the Festival of Unleavened Bread to provide a compass and direction for life and living the rest of the year.
Meaningful Relationships
by Vertical Thought
The truth is that the Bible describes the role of women as one of great honor and worth.
by Fred Nance
Jonesboro, AR
This Bible study begins when Israel has come to the 40th year of wandering in the wilderness and with a brief notice of Miriam’s death, followed a few years later by the death of Aaron and later Moses.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Exodus is part of an unfolding story. It's a continuation of the Genesis account of Abraham's family. But their history is also your history.
Beyond Today
by Scott Delamater
A word we know, but may find difficulty defining: “meek”
by Rick Shabi
Cincinnati East, OH
God holds all of us, individually and collectively, accountable for advancing the mission of His church. The Bible dramatically shows what God expects of each of us in order for His work to be blessed.
by Ed Dowd
Northwest Arkansas
A significant purpose of prayer is to develop our relationship with God. We should avoid the pitfall of treating prayer as a request line for things and personal wants, but, instead, we should learn to pray for spiritual growth and more on...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Robin Webber
When Jesus healed a group of lepers, outcast and despairing, only one returned in thankfulness. This story has much to say about our own lives.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
In May of 2011... I gave a Sermon entitled, “Great Women and Mothers in Scripture.” In it I discussed the tremendous influence and examples of individuals like Miriam, Deborah, Jael, Huldah the prophetess, Mary the mother of Jesus,...
by Denny Luker
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
God loves and honors women. The Bible is full of examples of godly women such as: Miriam, Deborah, Hulda, Mary, Anna, Priscilla, Lydia and Phoebe. It was women who stood at Christ's cross and to whom He first appeared once he rose from the...
