United Church of God


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Total results: 45927.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
“For myself I am an optimist—it does not seem to be much use being anything else.”
Good News
by Doug Horchak
Even though fear and anxiety are affecting more and more people, there is a way to be positive in spite of the troubling news that dominates our lives. Read on to discover a cause for optimism!
by David Treybig
Recent efforts to mend the fences that divide world leaders are encouraging. But will all of this apparent goodwill last?
by Darris McNeely
Are America's greatest days truly ahead? Or are we headed toward a post-American world? Either way, God has much in store for mankind. Humanity faces dark days, but its greatest time is only just on the other side of chaos.
Beyond Today
by Rodney Hall
Why are some people overwhelmed by their problems, while others are simply challenged by them? Why do some draw back, give up and quit when facing obstacles, trials and difficulties while others with similar backgrounds, facing the same...
United News
Church and Media Update
Dear brethren, Jesus Christ established His Church in Jerusalem 1,984 years ago on the Day of Pentecost. After Jesus’ ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit dramatically moved the apostles—particularly Peter—to preach Jesus Christ with...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Who would you rather be around?
by Steven Britt
Giving thanks to God for the future and hope He promises—for Israel, for the Palestinians, and for the entire world that has been ravaged by conflict.
