United Church of God


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Total results: 25447.
Good News
by Good News
God doesn't want blind faith. He wants you to have faith based on solid evidence.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
An introduction to the book of James to help us learn the background and context before studying the book verse by verse.

The study of archaeology can help fortify faith. It allows us to take a fascinating journey back in time to study the stones and artifacts that bear mute but compelling witness to the truth of Scripture.


Evidence from archaeology is one great proof of biblical accuracy, and it is the focus of this series of articles.

Inside United Podcast
by Victor Kubik, Scott Ashley
Scott Ashley and Victor Kubik dig deeper into the topic of archaeology and how advancements in technology and technique are making it harder to deny the validity of the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
A clay seal was found bearing the name of a man mentioned in the book of Jeremiah.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Archaeology proves that dozens of people mentioned in the Bible really lived. Current article in Biblical Archaeology Review covers details.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Peter Eddington
Recent archaeological findings regarding an altar and curse tablet corroborate the Bible’s record of the Israelites’ entry into the Holy Land as a people in covenant with God.
Vertical Thought
by Mike Bennett
Many today question the accuracy of the Bible, but consider a few facts and quotes about this amazing book.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Can we believe the Bible? Dozens of individuals mentioned in Scripture have been confirmed from history and archaeology—living in the same time frame and locations in which they are found in the pages of the Bible. These finds are powerful...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Clear evidence exists that the Bible is indeed a genuine account of real persons, real places and real events recorded centuries ago and preserved for us today. What is some of that evidence?
by Scott Ashley
Denver, CO
Do the statements of Bible critics who dismiss the Gospels as real history hold up under scrutiny? In this follow-up to the previous sermon on undesigned coincidences, we take a quick walk through some of voluminous evidence from history...
