United Church of God


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Total results: 3233.
United News
by Camille Ballo
Thousands of years ago, it was probably rather simple not to eat unclean meats (described in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14).
Bible Study Aids

Many people have misconceptions about the biblical teaching on clean and unclean meats. What does Scripture really reveal on the subject of dietary food laws?

by Moses Summers
St. Petersburg, FL
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the New Covenant utilized the laws contained in the Decalogue to teach His followers that they must go beyond the letter of that law if they are to be true Christians.
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
There are over 3,000 promises in the Bible. One of them is the promise from Jesus that He would send a Helper to us. Do you need a Helper?
by Micah Gunn
2024-03-14 to 2024-04-10
We respond to atheists who took issue with our last video, "How to Survive an Atheist Attack." What is the actual definition of atheism and "new atheism?" Should someone who's made to feel dumb in a discussion take that as a sign they're...
by Rob Slocum
Seattle, WA
The Days of Unleavened Bread are commanded by God and His teaching from the beginning was to be eating the bread of sincerity and truth. Why do we keep these days and what does it signify spiritually?
by Gary Petty
Nashville, TN
Discover how the ark of the covenant has a lot to do with the Day of Atonement.
by Lonnie Johnson
Northwest Arkansas
The life and words of Jesus testify to the Father's involvement in our lives.
by James J Malizia
Bend-Redmond, Oregon 2021
On Family Day, it is important to encourage our youth in the ways of God. We all need encouraged to live God's way. The Feast of Tabernacles is an opportunity to say "yes" to your children's wants. God likes to bless His creation. We...
by Mark Vincen
Indianapolis, IN
Elder Mark Vincen covers four answers to, “Why should we trust God?” in part one of this two-part series: He is in control; He is all knowing and wise; He is omnipresent; and He is unchanging.
by Doug Wendt
Tampa, FL
When others hear your name, what comes to mind? The traits we develop have an effect on our name – whether good or bad. In preparing to take on the name of God, are we striving to overcome and develop more of the character of Our Father...
Estonian Lithuanian Polish Russian Romanian Cursul de Studiu al Bibliei - Lectia No. 1: Dece este Biblia Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu Cursul de Studiu al Bibliei - Lectia No. 2: Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu: Baza...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Scott Ashley
Will the world end with one last confrontation between massive armies? If so, will it happen soon? You need to know!
by Moses Summers
Tampa, FL
Coveting is an immoral longing for something that is not rightfully ours. That is usually because the object of our desire already belongs to someone else. But coveting can also include our wanting far more than we would legitimately...
by Moses Summers
Tampa, FL
We as members of God’s church are looking for a time of peace and righteous living and being a part of God’s Kingdom living forever. The plans, promises and prophecies of the Bible all lead to one thing—a potential almost beyond human...
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
God has extended mercy to us. Can we extend it to others?
by Mike Bennett
God designed marriage to be between a man and a woman. He designed it to be a stable foundation for raising a family! And a stable foundation for society!
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
One of God's fall Holy Days is called the Day of Atonement. What does this day picture?
