United Church of God


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Total results: 6760.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In this message, Philip Aust goes through UCG's Bible Study Course (BSC) Lesson 1. Lesson 1 (L1) focuses on how to prove the Bible is the Word of God. Click on the links below to read BSC L1 and take the BSC L1 Quiz. For added learning,...
by Ryan Hall
Rome, GA
Don't be deceived by false doctrines or false truths. False truths are prevalent in today's society. We live in a society that wants the counterfeit. Mr. Hall gives two points on defending the truth.
United News
Peter Eddington
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far.
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far. An interesting note about Bible Study Course graduates: 11 percent of...
by Stephen de Campos
Dallas, TX
There are thousands of fake religions in the world today, but the Bible contains stern warnings about one in particular, Counterfeit Christianity. As the elect, we are repeatedly warned not to be deceived... how can we ensure that we are...
by Rod Foster
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Satan's lies have convinced the majority of people they don't need to repent or change, that they already have immortal life within themselves. His lies continue to infect the world's false religions today. The truth is we're all infected...
by Ronald A. Bell
Buffalo, NY
How the counterfeit religion of Babylon spread contaminating modern Christianity and its future roll before Christs' return.
United News
Peter Eddington
In December 2006 a subscriber development letter was sent to just over 200,000 U.S. Good News subscribers offering them the Bible Study Course.
This was the largest number who have received this offer, and the first letter offering the Bible Study Course in two years. In just a few weeks, we have received 17,000 responses, and they are still coming in! This is...
United News
United News
Duncan McClenagan was recently hired as a junior web developer for the United Church of God.
Although he was born in Texas, Duncan lived most of his life near the village of Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada. He received his BSc in physics from the University of Northern British Columbia in 2017, his MSc in physics from McMaster...
by Kevin Call
Paintsville, KY
How are we to the world? Are we counterfeit or a light to the world? We need to ask ourselves this everyday. We must examine ourselves daily so we don't become disqualified. We must be diligent and check ourselves daily.
by Kathy Sanny
Are you trained to spot a counterfeit religion?
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year.
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 130,000 copies were reprinted (3 percent less than last year). This all equates to 1.3 million...
by Don Shaw
Roanoke, VA
To live a life of holiness, we must to continue to learn from the scriptures about the nature and way of God.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Sometimes it seems weeds crop up everywhere! Wishing you a weed-free day!
by Jeffrey Lewis
Delmarva, DE
The world that we live in is filled with counterfeits. They are put there to hide the truth.
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
In this the second in a series of Bible studies on the two witnesses. Mr. Smith covers Satan's two counterfeit witnesses who will oppose God's true witnesses at the time of the end.
by Roy Holladay
Rome, GA
The teaching of the immortal soul is a counterfeit by Satan that clouds the truth of the matter. This sermon looks at the false teaching and explains the truth of the matter, that we are not yet immortal, but one day can be.r
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
The teachings of most churches differ considerably from the Bible’s instructions. Is it time you examined your beliefs?
United News
by Andy McClain
The greatest counterfeiter of course tries to replicate the most valuable things. We need to be aware of his techniques.
by Scott Janes
San Jose, CA
The world is drowning in Satan's cesspool of misinformation, disinformation--and lies. And as the father of lies, Satan has used counterfeits of God's designs in a futile effort to thwart God's plan of salvation. Easter is such a...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
U.S. Customs agents charged a West Hollywood, California, man with printing 250 counterfeit bills.
