United Church of God


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by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
Our helper, the Holy Spirit, helps us to develop fruits that enable us to live the life of a Christian. These fruits were evident in Christ's life.
Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion
by United Church of God
None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings without God's help. And God makes that help available to us through His Holy Spirit. But what exactly is that Spirit? How does it help us to change? And how do we receive it?
United News
David D Schreiber
This was the 18th year that UCG has held a preteen camp at the beautiful, outdoor setting of Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch in Minnesota. With 138 of us total, 52 preteens (including eight junior dorm campers under age five), 30 teens...
God blessed the camp with protection for campers and staff and with good weather for our outdoor activities. Two of our camp goals were to enrich campers’ lives by giving them opportunities to build relationships with other children who...
Is God a Trinity?
by United Church of God
Contrary to Trinitarian teaching, Scripture reveals the Holy Spirit not as a person, but as something much different - the divine power through which God acts.
United News
Jeff Richards
Northwest Preteen Camp is located along the Salmon River in Welches, Oregon, at the base of Mount Hood.
We hosted 93 campers and 75 staff, which was a record attendance for us. Our theme this year was the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. The campers learned the values of the fruit of the Spirit in Christian living class and...
Family Study Guides

This series of Youth Instruction studies will continue building our relationship with God and others with an in-depth review into God’s Fruit of the Spirit.  Each month we will discuss a specific Fruit of the Spirit by 1) defining what it looks like, 2) giv

Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Holy Spirit, the very life essence of God, can produce miraculous things in our lives: joy is one of those miracles.
Family Study Guides

These Youth Instruction studies will continue building our relationship with God and others with an in-depth review into God’s Fruit of the Spirit.  Each month we will discuss a specific Fruit of the Spirit by 1) defining what it looks like, 2) giving examp

Compass Check
by Sydney Nyamasoka
Is God's Spirit in you? If so, what are the visible results in your life? In other words, what fruit is it bearing?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
The Bible does not speak of evidence of the Holy Spirit being in us through physical, outward signs. Instead, it speaks of it in terms of actions of the heart.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
How can we maintain joy in today’s world? Where does true joy come from? How can we build God’s joy in our life?
Family Study Guides

In this Family Guide, we review the true meaning of “peace” as a fruit of God’s Spirit. We look at three ways God’s Spirit enables us to have peace:

The Power of the Holy Spirit
by United Church of God
What does God's Holy Spirit do for us as Christians? This question goes to the heart of our religious beliefs, because without the power of God's Spirit we can have no deep, close relationship with the Father, nor can we become His...
Family Study Guides

In this Family Study Guide we discuss God’s Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering. God gives us His Holy Spirit so we can develop this important characteristic in our lives.

Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
How does the Holy Spirit work in a Christian’s life? Is it by perceptions, visions or other means? You need to know.
