United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 24546.
Good News
Homosexuality and the gay-rights movement are one of many battlefields in today's culture wars. Does the Bible offer hope for those struggling with same-sex attraction? A Christian who's wrestled this problem shares his perspective.
Vertical Thought
by Dan Dowd
Sex sells in the popular culture, and many young Christians are buying. But outside the right context, sex brings consequences. What does the One who designed sex say on the matter?
Good News
by Dan Dowd
Sex sells in the popular culture, and many young Christians are buying. But outside the right context, sex brings consequences. What does the One who designed sex say on the matter?
Beyond Today
by Larry Walker
Many fail to realize the dangerous path that same-sex marriage is leading us down. Far more is involved than the opportunity for two members of the same sex to marry.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Victor Kubik
New attacks on the Bible and biblical teachings from society and governments demonstrate the spiritual danger of the times—and for Christians to not fall into these deceptive snares.
Good News
by John Miller
In response to same-sex marriages in some states, many are pushing constitutional amendments to preserve the traditional marriage relationship. But it will take much more if marriage is to be saved.
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage—which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!
World News and Prophecy
by Larry Walker
Many fail to realize the dangerous path that same-sex marriage is leading us down. Far more is involved than the opportunity for two members of the same sex to marry.
by Scott Delamater
Phoenix East, AZ
Three driving forces in the lives of people can lead to serious flaws in a Christian's walk through life.
Good News
by Melvin Rhodes
The gay agenda is steadily gaining ground in Western nations, with same-sex marriage finding acceptance. But what does the Bible say—and why? And what's at the root of same-sex attraction?
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
The freedom to worship and obey God is under attack in many parts of the world. You need to understand why this is happening and what Bible prophecy explains is ahead for all humanity.
Good News
by Gary Petty
An estimated 45 million people in the United States are infected with genital herpes. The number is growing by a million new cases a year. This year one in four sexually active teens will contract a sexually transmitted disease. Young...
