United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 25582.
by Eric Mohr
Dallas, TX
While there are various troubles in our lives, not all of them require spiritual endurance. The purpose of this message is to identify at least one major struggle that all genuine Christians must endure their entire lives. Jesus, Peter,...
by Thomas Bulharowski
Columbus, GA
Even as Christians, it is difficult to patiently wait on the Lord.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
The Bible doesn’t teach that you go to heaven upon death. But what it does expound is marvelous!
United News
by John LaBissoniere
Have you ever looked around at world conditions and wanted to do something? But what can we do, and what does God want us to do? Understanding His longterm plan for mankind reveals what we should be focused on today as we prepare for “the...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Isaiah was inspired to write, "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength" (Isaiah 40:31).
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Studies reveal a large gap between what many Christians think the Bible says and what it really teaches. Study to know the truth!
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Faith, hope, and charity are absolute foundational needs of a Christian if we're going to be in God's Kingdom.
by Bart Bornhorst
Lewistown, PA
This message talks about how we need to go to God and ask for help with the trials we face in our lives, and how he always does what is best for us even if it takes time for him to resolve the hardship in our lives.
Beyond Today
by Tina Cason
Just as we wait expectantly for some of life's major events, we must prepare for Christ's return.
United News
by John LaBissoniere
The people of God’s Church endure many trials—some of which are highly stressful and last for long periods of time. When you encounter such troubles, will you be able to say and believe the 16 words?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Bible prophecy states that cataclysmic events will occur before God’s direct intervention in human affairs.
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
When we suffer, we pour out our hearts to God for relief. What if those prayers are not answered? Discover several examples from the Bible including King David and Moses to show the patience we need to wait upon the Lord.
by Rick Shabi
Panama City Beach, Florida 2023
Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles 2023! United Church of God president, Rick Shabi speaks of the great meaning the Feast holds as we begin this year's festival.
by Elmer Wilke
Colorado Springs, CO
One of the important exhortations of the Bible is the call “wait on the Lord”. Even though God promises many blessings for waiting, mankind tend to take matters into their own hands. Psalms 27:11,14 and Psalms 25:4-5 tell us to wait on...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Jerold Aust
Many assume Jesus was born on Christmas or that, even if He wasn’t, it’s a good occasion to celebrate, since it’s still worshipping Him. But did early Christians observe Christmas? And what should we do today?
