United Church of God

012 - What Happens After Death?

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012 - What Happens After Death?

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MP3 Audio (6.22 MB)


012 - What Happens After Death?

MP3 Audio (6.22 MB)

Where are our loved ones who have died? What happens when we die? What does the Bible say about death?


  • jclassboat
    It stands to reason that Satan has corrupted the fact of death, with his lies. After saying to Eve that she would NOT surely die, if she disobeyed God, he was very successful in having false ideas about death flourish. To what advantage or purpose was this lie? By establishing the idea of an immortal soul Satan purposely diminishes, in the minds of men, the power and authority given to Jesus Christ to resurrect the dead. According to ill-informed religions your immortal soul leaves ones dead body and goes to heaven or goes to hell. If you self assessed yourself as a good person you do not need Christ for resurrection because when you die you go to heaven to be with the Lord or hell if deserved. By embracing the idea of a immortal soul you lose sight of what Jesus said about "No one comes to the Father except through Me". You also ignore God's word on what death is. It is likened to an unconscious sleep with no awareness of self time or being.
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