United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 57153.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
The Bible and early church history shows us how we can truly dedicate our lives to God.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Joy is more than happiness; joy is an anchor in our life, even when things aren't going well we can be filled with the joy that only a relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
Can you become a Christian if you deny the Trinity? The Trinity denies the greatest truth we can know - that God is a growing family of which we can become a part.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Halloween in America is big business. Americans spend billions of dollars every year on this popular holiday.
Beyond Today Daily
by Scott Ashley
In the age of the Roman Empire, the emperor was the undisputed ruler. Does it matter who we allow to rule our lives today?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We have a finite number days in our lives; the key is to use each one wisely. We don't want to leave those projects unfinished as the number of our days shortens.
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
An overview of the recently completed United Youth Corps project in Ghana, and an overview of this years UYC Camp theme, and its take-away message. Accompanying PowerPoint available in Download Section
by John Ross Schroeder
It would seem that, for those who claim to be Christians, much would depend on their faith in the accuracy and authority of the Bible. Yet many professing Christians today view the Scriptures as just another collection of human documents,...
Sabbath Services
by Len Martin, Mark Welch
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio AM and PM and Cincinnati North, Ohio congregations and General Conference of Elders — May 4, 2019 at 2 PM EDT.
Beyond Today Daily
by Scott Ashley
We can learn many lessons for the Roman Empire. One of the most tragic is what happens when a society becomes focused on self and loses sight of God.
Hymnal App Download the United Church of God hymnal app, with searchable song titles and piano recordings. You will need to be connected to the Internet to access the audio. The hymnal app is available for the iOS and Android mobile...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
NASA predicts humans will find alien life in the universe within twenty years.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A dramatic story from ancient Rome shows how one person's life can change a culture.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
We cannot become complacent; we are not invulnerable to trials and temptations.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A football quarterback went to the "extreme" measure of ridding himself of his smart phone to focus on his job. We need this same focus on our living God.
by Doug Collison
Henderson, KY
The WHOLE gospel is rarely taught in churches today. Why is that? What IS the whole gospel? Join us as we take a trip through the pages of scripture to try and understand the mystery of the gospel.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
What is the relationship between social media and anxiety?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Bible is our source of instruction on the definition of life, and the Bible clearly protects life in the womb. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Another key to understanding the Bible comes from the Proverbs.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
There is a way to do a spiritual check-up about where we stand spiritually.
