United Church of God


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Total results: 56567.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Marines live and die by their creed, "No man left behind." How can we apply this Biblical principle to simpler acts of life?
Sabbath Services
by Mark Holladay, Mark Welch
United Church of God Sabbath services: Cincinnati East, Ohio PM congregation - January 6, 2024.
by Mark Welch
Jonesboro, AR
A keeper of sheep may risk his life to protect his flock and a body guard will risk his life to protect his charge. What does the Bible say about being your brother’s keeper? This message asks, and answers, the question, “Are you your...
by Mark Welch
Dallas, TX
What does the Bible say about being your brother’s keeper? What does it mean to be your brother’s keeper? Who is your brother?
by Bart Bornhorst
Lehigh Valley, PA
Are we to be our brother's keeper? God's word tells us that we are to be our brother's keeper and it's so important that Jesus tells us in Matthew 25 that it is the defining characteristic of His sheep and He is looking for that trait in...
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
What does the Bible say about being your brother's keeper? What is a keeper? What does it mean to be your brother's keeper? Who is your brother?
by Chuck Zimmerman
St. Petersburg, FL
We must look out for each other.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
Are you your brother's keeper? What does God expect of us and what do we need to do?
Beyond Today
by Janet Treadway
Sobering statistics demonstrate how swiftly society is self-destructing. We especially see self-destructive behavior in our teens. Are we to be our “brother’s keeper” and help one another?
Good News
by Good News
America witnessed its share of Good Samaritans during and after the recent World Trade Center disaster. They are to be commended for their call to duty and sacrifice, some even giving up their lives in the process.
by Fred Whitlark
Lawton, OK
Rom 14:13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way. Rom 14:19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things...
by Paul Moody
Kennewick, WA
We are to watch out for our brethren. Developing relationships with those in the Church is foundational to being able to properly care for them. There are several ways in which we can effectively be "our brother's keeper".
by Victor Hou
San Diego, CA
We have heard it said that "I am my brother's keeper" or "We should be our brother's keeper." However, where do see this phrase used in the Bible? We will examine that passage and see that God actually calls us to be far more than our...
by Fred Whitlark
Dallas, TX
In striving for the KOG and His righteousness, we all need to change, overcoming sin. In addition, we need to intervene and help our fellow Christians if they are going seriously astray. How do we effectively accomplish this? How do we...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
The apostle Paul gives us an example today of how to deal with people's disagreements.
by Stan Martin
St. Petersburg, FL
Helping others when the need is there is a great way to fulfill being our “brother’s keeper.” Who is our neighbor? How can we be a good neighbor to others? Lets take a look at how we all should have a part in making someone all that they...
by Ralph Redline
Oklahoma City, OK
The Great and Awesome Creator God designed Humanity to be made in his Image but He also gave us an incredible "spirit of Man" (1 Cor. 2:9-11 NKJV) that enables mankind to think, reason, create and understand. Within this incredible...
by Michael Arritt
Roanoke, VA
Lessons of the good Samaritan. Who is our neighbor? How can we be a good neighbor to others?
by Kevin Call
Portsmouth, OH
Do we have the responsibility to watch out for our brother? How do we show our love one to another? Today we will go through several points showing how to take care of others. After this sermon we should ask ourselves--"How well are we...
by Harvey Wierenga
Grand Rapids, MI
We all need to be our brothers keeper. Two ways to do this is through prayer and service to and for others. Let us focus on loving our brothers with loving service.
