United Church of God


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Total results: 23894.
United News

In the November-December 2019 issue of United News, you can read post-Feast reports and see photos from festival sites all around the world.

United News
United News
Key Dates
The 2024 Festival Planning Brochure is now available for download.
Click the link "Downloads" to the right and click on the file to download a pdf copy of the 2024 Festival Planning Brochure.
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2024 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
You can download PDFs of the 2023 Youth Festival Activity Booklets now.
Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available online! There are three separate booklets for grades K-1, grades 2-3 and grades 4-6. Three PDFs are available for download by clicking "downloads" on the right side...
Beyond Today Magazine

The United States is deeply divided—to the point that many Americans expect violence and perhaps even another civil war. What are the roots of these irreconcilable differences? Where will they take the nation?

United News
United News
You are invited to join the West Michigan UCG for a fun-filled weekend of camping, fellowship and outdoor adventure!
There is a special outdoor Sabbath service on June 25 at Sandy Beach County Park in White Cloud, Michigan, and an organized tubing trip on the Muskegon River for Sunday morning, June 26. If you would like further details or a copy of the...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
The 2024 Festival Youth Instruction lesson plans are now available for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles.
These lesson plans may help youth instructors at the Feast. You can click on "Downloads" on the right-hand side of this page to download the PDFs. We have provided two separate lessons to be used on the usual two youth instruction...
United News
Feast of Tabernacles
The 2023 Festival Youth Instruction lesson plans are now available for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles.
These lesson plans may help youth instructors at the Feast. You can click on "Downloads" on the right-hand side of this page to download the PDFs. We have provided two separate lessons to be used on the usual two youth instruction...
Good News

Big news inside this issue, the managing editor shares the news about The Good News changing its name to Beyond Today in the upcoming January-February 2016 issue.

Feast of Tabernacles
Feast of Tabernacles
The 2024 Festival Planning Brochure is now available for download.
Click the link "Downloads" to the right and click on the file to download a pdf copy of the 2024 Festival Planning Brochure.
Beyond Today Magazine

What a year 2020 has been! It started out bad, and seems to have often grown only worse. This has been a year of a world in crisis. But why? Where is all this going? What lies ahead?

Virtual Christian Magazine
United News
Join us for a women's weekend with the theme "For Such a Time as This."
For Such A Time As This Esther 4:14 This weekend we will explore the many facets of the impactful narrative of Esther, as she learns to offer herself as a living sacrifice to God for her people. The story of Esther challenges each of...
United News
Andy Diemer
The New England churches are hosting a Virtual Pinewood Derby on Sunday, Dec. 27. Registration is due by Nov. 22. More details below!
Are you ready to race? Our New England UCG congregations are planning an online social event. With the Winter Family Weekend being canceled this year, we have decided to host a Virtual Pinewood Derby on the weekend that Winter...
United News
Rick Shabi
The external auditor’s report for the fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2021, is presented in its entirety in the January-February 2022 issue of United News. The pages are also available under "Downloads" on this page.
Fiscal 2021 was another outstanding year, income-wise, for the Church, as God continues to pour His blessings out on us. Income for the year exceeded budget and prior year amounts, while expenses in this COVID-19-defined year were under...
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today airing schedule
Download the September 2016 Beyond Today airing schedule.
Download the September, 2016, Beyond Today TV airing schedule that features the program titles, subject synopsis for each week, host of each program, literature offered and the airing dates. Beyond Today airs...
Beyond Today Magazine

A century ago the Russian revolution toppled Czar Nicholas II and led to a communist takeover of the Russian Empire. How did that revolution come about? What was it like for the people who lived under the communist system?
